Top 5 Cardio Workouts for Burning Belly Fat

When it comes to shedding stubborn belly fat, it’s important to incorporate effective cardio into your exercise routine. Cardio not only helps burn calories but also improves cardiovascular health, increases metabolism and promotes overall fat loss.

Since weight loss is a myth, it’s important to choose workouts that are effective at burning calories, engaging multiple muscle groups, and raising your heart rate. This will help you lose weight all over your body, including in your stomach region.

Below are five of my top recommended cardio exercises to lose belly fat and achieve a slimmer midsection.

The training

What you need: A jump rope, a pair of running shoes and an exercise mat.

Workout #1: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT burns calories quickly and increases metabolism, making it one of the most effective workouts for losing belly fat.

The routine:

  • Jump Rope Intervals (3 rounds of 1 minute on, 30 seconds off)
  • Burpees (3 sets of 15 reps)
  • Sprint intervals (3 rounds of 30 seconds on, 1 minute off.

1. Jump rope intervals

jump rope
  1. Jump moderately for 1 minute.
  2. Rest for 30 seconds.
  3. Repeat for 3 rounds.

2. Burpees

  1. Start in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat and kick your legs back into a plank.
  3. Do a pushup.
  4. Jump back to standing.
  5. Perform 15 reps per round.

3. Sprint intervals

illustration of man doing treadmill sprint or runillustration of man doing treadmill sprint or run
  1. Sprint at your maximum effort for 30 seconds.
  2. Walk or jog for 1 minute to recover.
  3. Repeat for 3 rounds.

10 Easiest Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

Workout #2: Running

woman runningwoman running

Running is a classic cardio exercise that burns a significant amount of calories and helps reduce total body fat, including belly fat.

The routine:

  • Steady-State Run (30 minutes at a moderate pace)
  • Hill Sprints (6 rounds of 30 seconds uphill, 1 minute downhill)
  • Cool-Down Jog (10 minutes at a slow pace)

1. Steady-State Run

  1. Run at a steady, moderate pace for 30 minutes.
  2. Focus on keeping a steady rhythm.

2. Hill Sprints

  1. Find a hill and sprint up it for 30 seconds.
  2. Walk or jog back for recovery.
  3. Repeat for 6 rounds.

3. Cool-Down Jogging

  1. Finish with a 10-minute slow jog to gradually lower your heart rate.

The 5 Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat for Beginners

Workout #3: Cycling


Cycling targets the lower body while engaging the core, helping to burn abdominal fat and improve cardiovascular endurance.

The routine:

  • Warm-up ride (5 minutes at an easy pace)
  • Interval cycling (10 rounds of 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy)
  • Cool-Down Ride (5 minutes at an easy pace)

1. Warm-up ride

  1. Start with a leisurely 5-minute ride to prepare your muscles and joints.

2. Interval cycling

  1. Alternate between 1 minute of intense cycling and 1 minute of light pedaling.
  2. Complete 10 rounds.

3. Cool-Down Ride

  1. Finish with a 5-minute ride at a comfortable pace to cool off.

5 strength exercises at home for belly fat

Workout #4: Swimming

Swimming is a full-body workout that burns calories, strengthens muscles and is easy on joints, making it ideal for fat loss, including belly fat.

The routine:

  • Freestyle swimming (10 minutes at a moderate pace)
  • Breaststroke Intervals (8 rounds of 1 minute swim, 30 second rest)
  • Backstroke Cool-Down (5 minutes at an easy pace)

1. Freestyle swimming

  1. Swim at a steady pace for 10 minutes, focusing on consistent breathing and form.

2. Breaststroke intervals

  1. Swim breaststroke for 1 minute.
  2. Rest for 30 seconds.
  3. Repeat for 8 rounds.

3. Backstroke Cool-Down

  1. Finish with 5 minutes of backstroke at a slow pace to relax and stretch your muscles.

How to lose belly fat, according to people who have done it

Workout #5: Rowing

illustration of man rowingillustration of man rowing

Rowing engages the entire body, especially the core, helping to burn calories and reduce belly fat while building strength.

The routine:

  • Warm-up row (5 minutes at an easy pace)
  • Interval Rowing (12 rounds of 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy)
  • Cool Down Row (5 minutes at an easy pace)

1. Warm-up row

  1. Start with a 5-minute row at an easy pace to prepare your body for the workout.

2. Interval rowing

  1. Alternate between 30 seconds of intense rowing and 30 seconds of easy rowing.
  2. Complete 12 rounds.

3. Cool-Down Row

  1. Finish with a 5-minute row at a relaxed pace to gradually lower your heart rate.

Tyler Read, BSc, CPT

Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in health and fitness for the past 15 years. Read more about Tyler

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