Do those great nice methods to shed pounds, say

According to behavioral psychologists, successful weight loss is not just the result of you choosing to exercise more and fill your food basket with more fruits and vegetables. It’s about gaining a much greater understanding of your daily habits and behaviors – as well as your environment – and knowing how these factors interact to influence the choices you make for your health. The popular weight loss app Noom, for example, is completely built on the process of Apply a behavioral psychology in your daily life. It asks you to log in to your food at a time and weigh yourself daily and ultimately strives to be an organizing framework from which you can set goals and achieve them.

If you want to use a more behavioral method for your own weight loss, consider the tips that follow Claire Madigan, PhD, Senior Research Assistant at the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University in the UK, who recently contributed an article to CNN on the subject – as well as other psychologists. So read on, and if you is want to buy more products for your waist, know that these fruits drive the most weight loss of all, according to science.

“Many weight loss programs start with asking people to set a goal,” writes Madigan. “And research really shows that creating this “intention” actually motivates you to change your behavior. One study found that frequent goal setting means you are more likely to make changes, which ultimately means you are more likely to lose weight. “For more great tips to help you lose weight, be sure to check out 11 weight loss hacks proven to work,” experts say.

measuring tape

Some weight loss experts recommend that you do not weigh yourself. Madigan is not one of them. “Measuring your weight and what you eat – known as ‘self-monitoring’ – is one of the most effective strategies from the field of behavioral psychology for weight loss, “she writes.” It is also included in most weight control programs. Self-monitoring works by making you more aware of what you eat and drink and what happens to your weight. In turn, this can help you avoid overeating abandoned, unhealthy food. “

Ideally, she says, you should weigh yourself at least once a week. But according to a study from 2013 that was published in the journal Obesity, You would be wise to weigh yourself every day.


Here is a good tip that is rooted in behavioral understanding: Do not buy food on an empty stomach. Research has shown that it inhibits your ability to make smart choices about what you want to eat. In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that even short-term fasting can lead people to make healthier food choices and choose a higher amount of high-calorie foods. Do you want to make sure you buy healthy food? Top up before you shop.

couple cooking

You should let your friends and family know your goals and keep them informed of your progress due to accountability, says Madigan.

“Research has shown that people who participate in weight loss programs with aa Friend or family member are more likely to stick to it and lose weight, “she writes. There does not seem to be any particular person who is better for motivation – the important thing is that followers are engaged. “

training class

As two notable researchers – one a kinesiologist, the other a psychologist – recently enrolled Washington Post, up to 40% of “regular exercisers” prefer to train in group classes, and there are plenty of reasons why you should consider joining them. “Training in groups can have particularly beneficial benefits,” write L. Allison Philips, Ph.D., professor of psychology, and Jacob Meyer, Ph.D., professor of kinesiology, both at Iowa State University.

You will find that exercise is more fun, you will experience exercise in a better light and you will ultimately increase your chances of achieving weight loss goals. And if you need some good exercise recommendations, consider these here:

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