19 Secret Causes Why You Lose Weight This Week

How many times has this scenario happened to you? You weigh yourself Monday morning and think that you have finally lost those annoying three kilos-only to see that they have crawled again on Friday. Or even worse, you gained weight that you had not even lost in the first place! What gives?

First of all, the weight fluctuations are completely normal. In fact, your weight can easily vary up to five pounds depending on what you eat and other lifestyle factors, says Alexandra Napoli, a holistic health coach. But it happens to everyone.

Find out the secret issues that cause the scale to rise at the end of the week, plus check out these 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.

There are very few exceptions to why you want to gain weight, but muscle is one of them. So, if you went to the gym and saw the tip of the scale a bit, pat yourself on the back. “Muscle weighs more than fat because it has a lot of water in it,” he says Abbey Sharp, RD, owner of Abbey’s Kitchen. Gaining more muscle means you increase your metabolism and eventually burn fat. So that the higher number on the scale can actually account for fat loss! Do not miss these 50 best ways to increase your metabolism for smarter ways to fire up your internal fat burning system!

supermarket bathroom

Any intestines that are in your system can be what tips the scale, says Nazzoli. “Your body has 30 feet of digestive traces, so when it’s full, it adds a lot of density to your body,” says Napoli. Therefore, if it has been a while since you had to “walk”, the waste that is inside you may increase your weight gain. This is one of the things that can happen to you when you do not get enough dietary fiber.

woman drinking water

Adequate water intake is important for all body functions, and the more you drink the better your chances of staying thin. In a study published in the journal Obesity, dieting participants who were instructed to drink two cups of water before each meal lost 30 percent more weight than their thirsty peers. And it’s just an advantage of drinking water; This is why you need to know what happens to your body when you drink water.

salty snacks

French fries, potato chips, soy sauce – snacks on these foods make your body hold on to excess water, which is why you feel a little bloated afterwards. “Your body responds to higher levels of sodium by storing more water so that it can keep sodium blood levels at a healthy, balanced level,” says Sharp.

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stay up late

You should think twice before staying up to watch an extra episode of Game of Thrones or spend time on Facebook. A five-year study from the University of California, Berkeley, tracked the bed gift of 3,300 teens and adults and found that for every hour of sleep they lost, they scored 2.1 points on the BMI index. Maybe a sleep diet is not such a bad idea!

Losing as little as 30 minutes of sleep is actually dangerous for your waistline. In a recent analysis, researchers analyzed more than 500 participants’ sleep diaries on weekdays and found that loss of just 30 minutes of eyes increases the risk of obesity by 17 percent! Mild sleep deprivation also causes ghrelin (the hunger-stimulating hormone) to go into excess and at the same time reduces the levels of leptin (the hormone that suppresses appetite). In turn, this stimulates hunger even when you are drunk which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

men and boys drinking beer in a bar

Have you ever noticed how you feel a little heavier and swollen after a night of drinking? There are three reasons. First of all, it is mostly alcohol that contains a lot of carbohydrates, which means that you retain water just like when you eat pasta. And if you’re one who knocks down a few more drinks each night, you’re doing even more damage to your waist. When you drink a lot of alcohol, it builds up in the bloodstream and prevents an antidiuretic hormone that makes your kidneys discrete a diluted urine but does not contain electrolytes like sodium, says Sharp. So sodium ends up in your system and allows you to retain more water, giving you an bloated stomach in the morning along with the nasty hangover.

Let’s not forget that drinking gives you drunchies. When you crave food after a night of pounding drinks, Sharp says people tend to go for more salty foods.

busy woman driving a car and drinking coffee

Sometimes the day just reaches us – and when we are home from a long day at work, we just want to hit the bed. When you eat far too few calories, it can cause your body to go into survival mode and also lower your metabolism. Registered dietitian Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CDN from the New York Nutrition Group explains this by saying, “Many people mistakenly believe that eating as few calories as possible is the best solution. It can not only lead to many nutritional deficiencies because the body generally receives less food, it can actually have the opposite effect on weight loss. . “

make a schedule

You may have moved and have smaller stairs to climb in your house. Maybe it was your birthday and you had cake every day. You may have gone on vacation. Whatever it was, ask yourself if this is a permanent or a temporary change – and what it can mean for your body goals. Restore control by implementing these 30 healthy habits that people live by.

friends eating a pasta dinner at a restaurant

Whether you cooked at home or went out to eat, portion control can determine what happens to your waist. Remember that even good foods have calories! Half of your plate should be filled with vegetables and the remaining half should contain a serving of lean protein on a mobile phone, a serving of grains in the fist and some fat that is no bigger than the index finger. If you went out to eat, even once, there is a good chance that you recharged on the road more than you needed.

woman eating ice cream straight out of the pint and in front of the freezer

Seriously! That muffin at work does no good to your waist. Having that sugar sitting in your system may be why you feel heavier. Your fat cells act as a savings bank, says Napoli. And when you have too much energy than you need to burn, it stops being stored as fat, which is how your weight slowly creeps up. Do you need to cut back? Let us help you with these 30 easy ways to stop eating so much sugar.

healthy snacks for office lunch: carrots, almonds, cashews and a glass of water.

“When my clients feel that they can not enjoy any indulgence from time to time, it often leaves them difficult to ignore cravings,” says a dietitian. Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN by Leah Kaufman Nutrition. “For that reason, I allow my patients to eat 100 discretionary calories every day. It allows them to satisfy their cravings without falling off the track.” Nine Peanut M & Ms, 12 gummy bears and a single Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup all come in about 100 calories. For healthier snack ideas, check out these 50 Healthiest Snacks to Eat for Weight Loss!

man in red shirt pouring pills from prescription pill bottle

Some birth control pills, steroids and even antidepressants can change the way our body naturally removes fluids, says Sharp. Even if you changed or started medication several weeks ago, the side effects can either kick in or fluctuate, depending on your own body’s hormonal cycle.

workout clothes

There is no denying that exercise is an important weight loss factor, but strangely enough, it can make it harder to lose weight to think about your upcoming sweats. Research suggests that when your favorite spinning class is always in the brain, you tend to consume more calories – probably because you assume you’re just blowing it up during the litter and sprint parts of your class. We know it sounds ridiculous but there are plenty of fitness bugs that prevent weight loss.

man weighing in scale with shoes on

Wearing a necklace and underwear while weighing yourself may feel like it’s not much, but every little thing makes a difference. When you weigh yourself with clothes, shoes or jewelry, the little ounces can add up. Do not forget to weigh yourself after a shower can also lead to a higher number due to the water that has been absorbed into your skin directly.

you eat by car

If you think snacks while running to work are a great way to multitask, then think again. A study published in Journal of Health Psychology found that dieters who ate while walking eventually consumed five times as many calories as women who ate while talking. There is no scientific reason why these dieters eat too much, but researchers believe it may be because walking is either associated with exercise – so perhaps people saw food as a reward – or because they were too distracted to feel full. in the first place.

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Eating pasta and bread does not make you fat, but they do contribute to water weight, says Sharp. When you consume carbohydrates, they are stored as glycogen, which is a form of storage of carbohydrates that makes you keep more water. One gram of carbohydrates tends to store 3-4 grams of water, so it adds up pretty quickly.

you watch tv and eat chips

A meta-analysis published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that people who eat while watching TV consume significantly more calories than non-TV viewers. Not only that, but distracted dinners also consume on average 25 percent more total calories during the day than those who eat disconnected. High-action TV is especially fertilizing. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that people consumed 65 percent more calories from snacks while watching a high-performance high-volume Hollywood movie than viewers who watched while watching an interview. Researchers say that the more distracting a TV show is, the less attention people pay to eating and the more they eat. So turn off the tube and enjoy a meal in silence. It is one of the pleasures of mindful eating – a form of food meditation associated with weight loss.

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Aunt Flo can be a real pain at times. Just before that time of the month, it is when women notice that they feel a little bigger than normal. The balance between estrogen and progesterone changes during our menstrual cycle, leading to uncomfortable bloating and water weight, says Sharp. While bloating goes away on its own, you can at least soothe the menstrual cramps with 8 foods that alleviate PMS symptoms.

female shopper checking food labeling in supermarket

It sounds crazy, but stop buying foods that are marketed as low fat or fat free. They usually save only a few calories and thus replace harmless fats with low-performance carbohydrates that digest quickly – causing a sugar rush and immediately afterwards recovering hunger. Research published in Journal of Nutrition found that meals that limited carbohydrates to 43 percent were fuller and had a milder effect on blood sugar than meals with 55 percent carbohydrates. This means that you store less body fat and are less likely to eat more later. Another way to stop you from talking later in the day? 30 notches to feel full when trying to lose weight.

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