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A drink to sip to get a slimmer physique, say dietitians
Despite popular belief, there is no magic elixir that can help you shave off those extra pounds - we know it's true. But we do Know that there is a drink that can help you reduce any bloating you feel in your body, which makes you feel slim and lean. According to our medical expert board members Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT and Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT, also known as Nutrition Twins, the best drink to get lean is actually green tea with mint. Hot or iced, this drink will help you to debloat and slim down in no…
The scary fact about your child’s weight-reduction plan, says a brand new research
It will probably not surprise you to learn that children eat a lot of processed foods. After all, when you think back to your own childhood, you probably ate plenty of sweets and chips, and there may have been a few fast food stops from time to time.
It turns out, however, that children today eat even more ultra-processed foods than previous generations. New research finds that the amount has skyrocketed in recent decades. Now, two-thirds of children's and teens' calories come from ultra-processed foods.
“Healthy” meals with extra sugar than a crunchy Kreme donut, he says
Sometimes healthy foods can secretly contain a lot of added sugar, and in some cases a serving can pack more than what is in a donut.
Yep, you read that right. There are 10 grams of sugar in one Original glazed donut from Krispy Kreme. According to American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that women limit their consumption of added sugar to just 25 grams (or 6 teaspoons) of added sugar per day to promote heart health. For men, it is recommended to lower your intake to 36 grams or 9 teaspoons of added sugar daily.
An enormous facet impact of consuming Rotisserie Chicken, says Science
It's hard to find a more enticing smell than the rotisserie chicken section in the grocery store. This way of eating chicken is a crowd favorite and for good reason. It is delicious and already prepared for you, so it is really a good option on days when you are not hungry to cook.
Although we love the taste and lightness of rotisserie chicken, it does not come without its possible side effects. It is a great side effect of eating rotisserie chicken You can eat more sodium than usual, which can lead to increases in your…
This chemical that is usually discovered on merchandise has simply been banned
If you're careful about what you feed your children, here's important news: For the first time since the 1960s, a federal judge has ordered a ban on a pesticide used on crops such as apples, corn, broccoli and asparagus. According to experts, exposure to this chemical can cause serious damage to children's physical and cognitive development.
In a groundbreaking move on Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its ban on all food-related use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos "to better protect human health,…
The worst cheat meals which might be by no means value it, says dietitian
Here's the truth: everyone deserves a few cheat days. If you have worked hard towards your health goals and are hungry for some sweets, it is completely understandable. The good news is that you do not have to feel guilty about enjoying yummy treats every now and then. But are some cheat meals better than others?
We talked to Laura Burak, MS, RD, CDN about the dishes that are never worth eating if you want to maintain your health progress, which she says comes to their quality and how they are made. "When you really…
Popular meals that make you look older, says Science
Believe it or not, when it comes to maintaining a youthful appearance, what you eat can have a significant impact. After all, nutrients affect our entire system and our skin is the largest organ in our body.
In other words, what you chow down literally appears on your face. New York-based dermatologist Gary Goldenberg, MD told Byrdie that the biggest perpetrators trigger inflammation, which can aggravate existing skin problems. Foods that contain antibiotics can also touch your microbiome (is there anything that is not…
An essential impact of consuming Seltzer water, science says
If you are thirsty, holding an ice cold bottle of seltzer water in your hands raises the expectation that you can not wait to go out. But hydration is not the only major effect of drinking this beloved beverage.
In an upcoming issue of Food Research International, nutrition and dietetics researchers in Canada asked more than 100 study participants to evaluate their sensory perception and emotional responses to carbonated fruity drinks.
This new study suggests that sparkling water can improve your mood - but that's just the…
A vital aspect impact of consuming radishes, science says
Radishes are weird little root vegetables that give a good chunk of salads or a crunch to a taco or serve as the perfect snack dipped in a little salted butter; they also happen to pack a lot of nutrients. Some of the benefits of eating radishes include reduced inflammation and lower cholesterol. One study even showed radish root extracts have specific anti-cancer properties.
Although these beautiful pink root vegetables are nutrient dense and mostly harmless, they can have potential side effects, especially when eaten in…
The greatest # 1 complement for hair loss, says dermatologist
Whether you have discovered that your hair has lost its former thickness or are discovering new spots of hair that are barely there daily, hair loss can affect individuals of all genders and at all ages. A study published in Dermatological surgical journal found that among men between the ages of 18 and 49, about 42% experienced "extensive hair loss" and the condition affects millions of women, with hair loss usually beginning in middle age, according to American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD).
While there are…