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Healthy Eating

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What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Nuts, Says

Whether you prefer almonds, pistachios, walnuts, or cashews, know that you're getting a ton of nutrition when you eat nuts regularly. Or better yet, why not have a variety? The plant-based food is loaded in minerals as well as healthy fats, fiber, and protein, which makes it a perfect midday snack, or addition to a cup of Greek yogurt or even a bowl of oatmeal. No matter how you choose to get your fixings of nuts, you're bound to receive some health benefits. We asked Sydney Greene, MS, RD to explain just five things that…

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Coconut

Are you team coconut water? "I've never tried it" is also a fair answer—no judgment here! As it turns out, aside from making a great addition to smoothies and yes, even cocktails, coconut water offers quite a range of health benefits. From helping manage blood pressure levels to getting you out of bed the morning after a night of drinking, coconut water may just become one of your new favorite beverages this year. Here are five things that could happen when you start drinking coconut water regularly. And then, don't miss The…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Oatmeal, Says

At this point, you're probably aware oatmeal can do a lot for your body. It's a good, natural, complex carbohydrate, it's full of vitamins and minerals, and it's incredibly versatile (hello, overnight oats). And yet, while there's a lot about oatmeal that we love, there's one major side effect of eating oatmeal that we can't help but point out, and that's how oatmeal can keep you feeling full for hours. Here's why oatmeal is one of the best breakfasts you can have because of its satiety, and for even more healthy tips, be…

Selena Gomez Opens Up About Her Mental Health:

Selena Gomez has been in the spotlight since she was a child, but that hasn't made the intense scrutiny that comes along with her profession any easier on the star—or her mental health. In a new interview with Vogue, Gomez opened up about how fame has affected her emotional wellbeing, and how she's been working to get to a healthier place. Gomez has been open about getting help for her mental health in the past, including her two stays at treatment centers. "I knew I couldn't go on unless I learned to listen to my body and…

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Spinach,

As if you really needed another reason to love spinach, we're about to give you five. This leafy green is a staple in most fridges due to its incredible versatility—use it in salads, smoothies, sauteed as a side for dinner, folded into pasta, stuffed into chicken, the list goes on and on. The endless uses for spinach aren't the only reason why it's such a beloved veggie. Spinach is also touted for being rich in health-promoting nutrients, especially for your heart and eyes. Not to mention, it's low in calories, yet full of…

The One Smoothie To Drink For A Longer Life

Talk about starting your day off on the right foot! At this point, you should know that there are factors beyond genetics and your environment that can affect your lifespan. Your daily habits and, more importantly, your diet play a significant role in determining how long you'll live. Eating too many unhealthy foods (especially processed foods) can put you at a higher risk of numerous nutrition- and obesity-related diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. In fact, having an unhealthy diet contributes to…

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Honey

Whether you're drizzling it on your morning oatmeal or adding it to your afternoon tea, honey is frequently seen as a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth without turning to foods sweetened with white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. In fact, according to the National Honey Board, the average American consumes approximately 1.3 pounds of honey every single year! Fortunately, when it comes to your health, many of its properties are pretty sweet, too. Read on to discover the side effects of eating honey, according to…

One Major Side Effect of Taking Apple Cider

If you haven't hopped on the apple cider vinegar train, where have you been? For the past several years, health experts, influencers, and celebrities have raved about the extensive list of benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar. Though it's tart and not exactly easy to swallow, many people swear by a daily spoonful to maintain health and vitality. Truth be told, there are many perks, including weight loss, better control over blood sugar levels, and even protection from harmful bacteria. However, one major side effect is…

I’m a Dietitian, and Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

It shouldn't come as a surprise that soda isn't healthy, but have you ever considered why that is? Most people know sugar is unhealthy and causes weight gain, but the truth is that not all sugar is created equal. The worst culprit by far is high fructose corn syrup—the main ingredient in soda. Most sugars are damaging to health because they are digested so quickly, contain so few nutrients, and become extremely easy to overeat. Just think: have you ever sat down with some candy, chocolate, or a soda, and before you know it,…

These Foods Can Boost Your Fertility, According to

When a woman becomes pregnant, she often starts joking about "eating for two." But what she consumes before she tries to conceive may have a hand in her ability to get pregnant—and to stay that way, according to Janine Higbie, MS, CNS, a board-certified nutritionist and founder of JH Wellness, a company that specializes in preconception, prenatal, and postpartum nutrition. Infertility—which is clinically defined as failing to get pregnant within one year of trying—affects approximately one in six couples, and it isn't only a…

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