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Healthy Eating

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Eating Low Carb and Still Gaining Weight? This

So you decided to cut carbs to lose weight, however, you're finding that the exact opposite is actually occurring. The question is, how? There are several reasons why you could be gaining weight, even as you're actively removing carbs from your diet. First of all, there are several types of low-carb diets including the keto diet, low-carb paleo diet, and the Atkins diet. However, you may also just be following a basic low-carb diet where you limit your consumption to between 50 and 100 grams of carbs per day. For…

The Worst Reason To Drink Wine, Says Science

If you're drinking wine for all of the health benefits it could have, you may want to put a cork in it, according to science. There are plenty of health-related reasons to drink the occasional glass of wine—can potentially ward off cardiovascular disease, potentially lengthen your life, among other things—but sometimes the benefits of this beverage can be overblown. In fact, though some studies have suggested that drinking red wine can reduce blood pressure (which in turn can lessen the chances of a heart attack, stroke,…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Eggs, Says Science

This probably isn't news to you, but eggs just may be the most affordable, versatile, convenient form of protein. Not only are they loaded with antioxidants, essential minerals, and amino acids, they also boast fat-fighting choline, bone-strengthening vitamin D, and brain-boosting vitamin B12. Studies have shown that eggs can increase your energy, support your immune system, reduce inflammation, protect your eyes, and enhance the appearance of your skin and hair—and that's only a few of their many superpowers. Honestly, is…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Fast Food, Says

Fast food is a triple threat when it comes to, well, threatening your health. These "foods" are high in calories, high in glycemic loads (refined carbs that can spike your blood sugar), and are often offered in excessive portion sizes. But wait, there's more! Fast food also typically features processed meat, is generally high in sodium, contains high levels of fat, is lacking fiber, and is missing many essential micronutrients. Phew—did we get everything? All those troubling features come with countless negative side…

The One Hack Everyone’s Doing With Bananas

It’s no surprise that bananas are a staple in countless households around the world. They’re inexpensive, they’re tasty, and they’re good in practically everything, from smoothies to sundaes. In fact, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), bananas are the most popular fresh fruit in the U.S., with the average American consuming 13.9 pounds of bananas each year. It’s not just their appealing flavor that make these fruits such a powerhouse food, though. In addition to boasting 3 grams of filling fiber…

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Pistachios

Pistachios are probably one of the best examples of the saying "good things come in small packages." While this small nut may not seem like much, pistachios are full of plant-based goodness that can do a lot for your body's health. From keeping you full to lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, choosing to eat pistachios over any other nut may help your body in the long run. Plus, they're just salty and delicious! To prove to you all the benefits of what happens to your body when you eat pistachios, we spoke with a…

This One Increasingly Popular Diet May Protect

If you're looking for all the ways to protect yourself against COVID-19 (and really, who's not?), here's great news: A growing body of research is finding that a popular diet that's rapidly growing in popularity (40% of Americans are currently on it, according to a December 2019 New York Times report) may also be able to help protect you from the virus. Yes, plant-based eating may help defend your immune system against the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, a recent article on Medical News Today explains. That's because a diet…

Foods Proven to Do Bad Things to Your Stomach,

Food provides us with nutrients, keeps us energized, and can even help us fend off disease. But those benefits aren't true for all foods. In fact, quite the opposite is the case in some instances; certain foods can actually cause health issues, inflammation, and drain you of energy. Perhaps even worse is that consuming these foods in high doses can put a strain on one of the major players in the digestive process: your stomach. Many overprocessed foods are loaded with an amalgamation of unhealthy ingredients that can cause…

Kim Kardashian Just Gushed Over This Candy That

Kim Kardashian has tried practically every diet out there, from adopting a low-carb eating plan to shed baby weight to doing cleanses to reset her eating habits. More recently, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has been singing the praises of a largely vegan way of eating. In Feb. 2020, Kardashian announced to her Twitter followers, "I eat mostly plant based. No meat anymore." However, adopting a plant-based lifestyle hasn't meant giving up on her sweet tooth; in fact, Kardashian has found a new favorite candy, and…

Surprising Side Effects Carbs Have On Your

With low-carb and ketogenic diets gaining popularity recently, carbs have become the black sheep of the nutritional landscape. However, not all carbs are created equal—there’s a big difference between a bowl of quinoa and a cookie, after all—and eating carbs might not have the effect on your waistline you’re expecting. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, reduce bloating, or slash your risk of chronic disease, read on to discover the surprising side effects carbs can have on your waistline. (Spoiler alert: there are both…

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