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Healthy Eating
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The Unhealthiest Way to Prepare Oatmeal, According
Waking up and preparing a hot bowl of oatmeal is synonymous with a "healthy" breakfast. Whether you prefer it in the form of overnight oats, instant oatmeal, baked oatmeal, Crockpot oatmeal, Mason jar oatmeal, frozen oatmeal, or a savory oatmeal dish, oatmeal is the king of healthy breakfasts. And one of its biggest benefits is its heart-health benefits.
"Oatmeal is a of soluble fiber that is good for our hearts," says Amber Pankonin, MS, RD, registered dietitian and owner of the Stirlist.
In a 1/2 cup serving of…
We Just Discovered The Easiest Hack for Making
Okay I admit, I didn't just discover this hack. In fact, I've been doing this hack for a few years now. But it would be wrong for me to not share this pizza hack with all of you because honestly, it's one of the easiest ways to make a homemade pizza right in your kitchen! And if you're not trying it at home, you're clearly missing out. So what's this easy pizza hack that I've been obsessed with? Use your cast-iron skillet.
While some people like to bake their pizza on a pizza stone in the oven or even the grill, being in a…
This Is the Worst Soda You Should Never Drink,
There really is never a good time to drink soda. It's obvious to any and all that soda is not an ideal drink by any means, especially if you're trying to stay healthy. Heavy soda consumption has been linked to weight gain, can lead to type 2 diabetes, and one study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that those who drank artificially sweetened drinks such as soda are more likely to die prematurely compared to those who rarely ever drank these types of drinks.
Big yikes.
But there is one very specific type…
100% What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Seeds
100% Completely What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Seeds.You know that nuts are a healthy snack, but what about seeds? Do they get as much love as their nuttier counterpart?.
The #1 Reason Your Diet Isn’t Working, According
Feel like your diet isn't working? The problem with your diet has less to do with what you're doing, and more to do with how you implement changes.
When it comes to eating healthy, people already know what to do. Eat more vegetables. Decrease portion sizes. Limit added sugar in your day. Consume more water and less alcohol. These are not novel concepts. In fact, most people who want to make healthy changes will be able to tell you exactly what you need to do to lose weight. Simply having the knowledge is not enough to create…
Eating Low Carb and Still Gaining Weight? This
So you decided to cut carbs to lose weight, however, you're finding that the exact opposite is actually occurring. The question is, how?
There are several reasons why you could be gaining weight, even as you're actively removing carbs from your diet. First of all, there are several types of low-carb diets including the keto diet, low-carb paleo diet, and the Atkins diet. However, you may also just be following a basic low-carb diet where you limit your consumption to between 50 and 100 grams of carbs per day. For…
The Worst Reason To Drink Wine, Says Science
If you're drinking wine for all of the health benefits it could have, you may want to put a cork in it, according to science.
There are plenty of health-related reasons to drink the occasional glass of wine—can potentially ward off cardiovascular disease, potentially lengthen your life, among other things—but sometimes the benefits of this beverage can be overblown.
In fact, though some studies have suggested that drinking red wine can reduce blood pressure (which in turn can lessen the chances of a heart attack, stroke,…
One Major Side Effect of Eating Eggs, Says Science
This probably isn't news to you, but eggs just may be the most affordable, versatile, convenient form of protein. Not only are they loaded with antioxidants, essential minerals, and amino acids, they also boast fat-fighting choline, bone-strengthening vitamin D, and brain-boosting vitamin B12. Studies have shown that eggs can increase your energy, support your immune system, reduce inflammation, protect your eyes, and enhance the appearance of your skin and hair—and that's only a few of their many superpowers. Honestly, is…
One Major Side Effect of Eating Fast Food, Says
Fast food is a triple threat when it comes to, well, threatening your health. These "foods" are high in calories, high in glycemic loads (refined carbs that can spike your blood sugar), and are often offered in excessive portion sizes. But wait, there's more! Fast food also typically features processed meat, is generally high in sodium, contains high levels of fat, is lacking fiber, and is missing many essential micronutrients. Phew—did we get everything?
All those troubling features come with countless negative side…
The One Hack Everyone’s Doing With Bananas
It’s no surprise that bananas are a staple in countless households around the world. They’re inexpensive, they’re tasty, and they’re good in practically everything, from smoothies to sundaes. In fact, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), bananas are the most popular fresh fruit in the U.S., with the average American consuming 13.9 pounds of bananas each year.
It’s not just their appealing flavor that make these fruits such a powerhouse food, though. In addition to boasting 3 grams of filling fiber…