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Healthy Eating

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What Occurs to Your Physique When You Eat Scorching Sauce

If someone asked you what is your favorite condiment, do you know what you would say? For many, hot sauce is likely at the top of the list. Aside from having to pour a glass of milk to cool down your mouth after eating several chicken wings that are drenched in the stuff, do you know what else can happen to your body after eating hot sauce? Maryann Walsh, MFN, RD, CDE explains why and how three very common reactions occur after you eat something like Sriracha or Harissa. She also gives context as to what problems may…

This 1# Tea Behavior Ruins Its Well being Advantages, New

Some experts have reported tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, trumped only by water. (Coffee and wine lovers, it will all be OK.) Tea's timeless popularity means big payoffs for those who drink it, as many studies have pointed to the many medicinal benefits of a nice, brewed cuppa. Now, a study published this month in the journal Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry has highlighted what seems to be an additional benefit to drinking black and green tea. Knowing that past research found that antioxidants…

13 Popular Foods You Should Never Eat In the

Foods You Should Never Eat In the Starting your day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast will not only keep you fueled throughout the day, but your overall health will benefit. Eating breakfast has been found to lower your risk of heart attack, lower your risk of diabetes, and improve your focus and attention span. Not only is it good for your health, but eating breakfast can help you keep off the pounds. According to a research project from the National Weight Control Registry, 78% of people who are able to lose weight…

This Popular Diet Can Lower Your Stroke Risk, New

If you're looking to reduce stroke risk, as well as improve overall cardiovascular health, a recent study in the journal Neurology suggests you stock up on plant-based foods. Researchers looked at health data from over 200,000 men and women in two large-scale studies that covered more than 25 years of diet questionnaires, as well as health changes over time. They found that participants who reported regular consumption of healthy, plant-based foods had a significantly lower risk of experiencing a stroke. (Related: The 7…

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Juice Every Day,

Drinking a glass of orange juice every day at breakfast or some cranberry juice with lunch may seem like a harmless—or even healthy—habit. After all, it's just fruit, right? But whether you know it or not, there's a big difference between eating half a grapefruit and drinking it in liquid form: the former has fiber. Experts say the fiber found in whole fruits plays a major role in minimizing how the natural sugars they contain impact your body. So, if there's one major side effect of drinking juice that you should know…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Sugar, Says

Whether you haven’t been able to give up your soda habit or you make dessert a part of your daily meal plan, it likely comes as no surprise that refined sugar isn’t exactly a healthy addition to your diet. In addition to causing spikes in blood glucose, which can lead to hunger and cravings, sugar is widely known to be linked to obesity and tooth decay. In fact, diets that are high in sugar are frequently lacking in other essential nutrients as highly palatable sugary foods crowd out healthier fare in a person’s diet.…

What Occurs To Your Physique When You Drink Protein

Protein smoothies have been popular for years, and they certainly aren't going away anytime soon. You can make your own protein smoothie at home, or for those of us who are always on the run, can buy pre-bottled varieties. What's behind their popularity? It's simple: the pairing of satiating, muscle-supporting protein combined with the benefits of fiber- and antioxidant-rich fruit makes for an unbeatable combination. "Protein is essential to a person's health for a multitude of reasons including growth and development…

15 Cleanest Foods on Grocery Retailer Cabinets,

We all know how important it is to eat fruits and vegetables. In fact, they should make up a majority of your diet. But, have you ever considered that some fresh produce may be a bit dirtier than others? Oftentimes farmers will spray fruits and vegetables with pesticides in order to protect them from things like insects and fungus. You may not think much of it when you're perusing the produce aisle, but pesticides can potentially pose a threat to your health. (Related: The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now). Over one…

This Wholesome “Rooster” Hack Is Going Viral TikTok

TikTok has made more than just teenage dancers go viral—food has had a chance to shine, too! Following a shortage of feta in stores thanks to a one-pan pasta recipe, a two-ingredient meat alternative is now experiencing a moment in the spotlight. "Wheat meat" has been documented in China for centuries, but it didn't go by the name "seitan" until somewhat recently. George Ohsawa, the founder of the macrobiotic diet, coined the term in 1961, referring to a product made by his student Kiyoshi Mokutani before it hit the…

Shocking Facet Results Carbs Have on Your Immune

The rise of the low-carb diet has us all questioning whether or not starch is truly evil. The keto diet has glamorized eating less than 50 grams of carbs per day. Many of us probably know someone who is thriving with lower carb consumption. So, are carbs really causing us harm? The truth is carbs have a place in our diet, but knowing how carbs impact health, specifically our immune system, is vital. Carbs have a complicated relationship with the immune system that is best described with a Goldilocks analogy. Too few or…

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