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AKHRISO: Kala Sarreynta Ballon d’Or Ee Maanta, Haddii Messi

Waxa lasoo saaray qiimaynta iyo fursadaha kala duwan ee maanta loo kala haysto abaalmarinta Ballon d’Or ee sanadkan 2021 xilli ay tartamada caalamiga ahi bedeleen wax badan oo ku saabsan kala sarreynta qaabkii kubadda cagta heer kooxeed kusoo dhammaatay.Sababta ugu weyn ee qiimaynta cusub maanta loosoo saaray ayaa ah in kabtanka xulka Argentina ee Lionel Messi uu kusoo guuleystay xalay koobkiisii ugu horreeyay ee caalami ah isaga oo Copa America lasoo hantay.Kala sarreyntan ayaa ah mid uu sida cidkasta filan karto maanta…

Waa Kuma Xiddiga Ingiriiska Ah Ee Roberto Mancini Uu Sida Gaarka Ah

Roberto Mancini ayaa ciyaartoyda xulkiisa Talyaaniga uga digay hal ciyaartoy oo ka tirsan xulka qaranka England, kaas oo uu u sheegay inay taxadar dheeraad ah ka yeeshaan, isla markaana aanay wax fursad ah siinin.Talyaaniga oo aan laga badinin 33kii ciyaarood ee ugu dambeeyey dhamaan tartamada ayaa finalka Euro la ciyaaraya xulka England oo markii u horreysay muddo 55 sannadood ah yimid finalka.England ayaa hal gool oo kaliya laga dhaliyey intii uu socday tartanka Euro, waxaanay soo garaaceen Germany, Ukraine iyo Denmark ka…

Lionel Messi & Neymar Oo Abaalmarintii Ugu Weyneyd Copa America

Go’aan aan hore looga baran ayay gaareen xiriirka kubada cagta Latin America ee loo yaqaano CONMEBOL iyagoo ku dhawaaqay in kabtanka Argentina Lionel Messi iyo xiddiga Brazil Neymar inay kuwada guuleysteen abaalmarinta Xiddigii ugu fiicnaa koobka Copa America oo ay Argentina ku guuleysatay.Argentina ayaa ciyaartii finalka ee Copa America waxay garoonka Maracana ku garaacday Bazril iyagoo koobka qaaday markii ugu horeysay muddo laga joogo 28 sannadood, waxayna uga mahadcelinayaan gool uu u saxiixay Angel di Maria.Laakiin…

Argentina Oo 28 Sano Ka Dib Ruxday Copa America , Brazil Ayay Ka

Argentina ayaa 28 sano ka dib waxa ay ku guuleysteen Coppa America iyaga oo Brazil oo koobkaan ilaalsaneysay uga badiyeen hal gool ,Sheekada labada qeyb : Brazil ayaa nasiinada loogu diray hal gool oo nadiif ah waxa ayna saaxibada Neymar ka sheegteen in kubadda soo dhisaan xilli Argentina daafac ahaan ay aad u wacnayeenGoolka Brazil waxaa qaladka iska leh goolhayaha oo si ka bad badis ah banaanka uga soo baxay waxaana si cajiib ah uga dalqaaday Di Maria xilli daafacana ay qeyb yihiin, waxa uuna goolkaas dhashay daqiiqadii…

Italy vs England: 5 important battles

It's almost over us. On Sunday night, the eyes of the whole world will be on Wembley, as two of the best teams in Europe go toe to toe under the famous arch. The winners of this duel will claim the biggest prize available on the continent: the European Championship trophy. The two countries that will fight in the English capital are none other than England and Italy, both hoping to either take football home or take it back to Rome. This finale is one of the most anticipated glasses in recent history, after we all had to…

The best one-footed players – ranked

One of the first things you're taught in football growing up is how invaluable it is to not have a weak foot.But no matter how often your mum or dads makes you kick a ball against the wall with your left peg, it doesn't get anymore fun. While it would be great if the beautiful game was full of well balanced, two footed wizards, one footed players bring another level of expertise and craft to the pitch.Rather predictable, but always fun and usually full of flair. Being one footed hasn't stopped players from going to the very…

The best English footballers without international caps

Representing the country's national football team is something often taken for granted in England.The fans dismiss any international football that isn't a tournament, and club managers spend each day nervously waiting to get their players back in one piece. Even the players that go as regulars can get caught in the moment and not quite appreciate the gravity of the situation; the national team is the country's pinnacle of excellence (more often than not).There is always only so many spots, though, meaning talent is always…

Italy national team all-time top scorers

The legendary Dutch player and manager Johan Cruyff once remarked: "the Italians can't beat you, but you can certainly lose to them."The Azzurri, with their successes at four World Cups and a European Championship spanning more than 70 years, have been one of the most decorated men's national teams throughout history. Yet, a nation renowned more for their defensive solidity rather than goalscoring prowess.However, alongside the scores of defenders - who range from bruising to balletic - Italy can boast some of Europe's…

Italy 1-1 Spain: Twitter reacts

Well, after 120 minutes of scintillating action plus penalties we finally know the identity of one of the teams in the final of Euro 2020. This one had everything, with some even tipping it as one of the best games ever played at the new Wembley. Football. ??#VivoAzzurro #EURO2020 #ITA #ITAESP— Italy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@azzurri) July 6, 2021That is going to hurt but Spain and Luis Enrique have done themselves proud. So many positives to take from this tournament with an exciting group of players, who will…

The best teams to use in FIFA Career Mode

No matter how much EA Sports try to make FIFA Ultimate Team the top dog, Career Mode will always have a cult following that cannot be broken.Despite this, the lack of investment and time innovating the game mode year on year can lead to things becoming pretty stale very easily. A way to change that is by moving out of the comfort zone; no, not breaking the game and uploading wrestlers and TV characters into teams, but instead by creating saves with completely new football clubs.That's right. Bin off the one sporting your…

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