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New Roma boss defends Premier League record

Jose Mourinho has moved to defend his Premier League record after being asked about his recent performances in England during his unveiling as Roma's new manager.The Portuguese tactician is one of the most decorated managers ever to adorn the Premier League, having won three English crowns over two different spells with Chelsea.Despite his glittering spells with the Blues, the 58-year-old failed to win the league title in both of his most recent managerial positions in England - after taking over Manchester United and…

The clubs that should be looking for Marcel Sabitzer

You don't have to be a football genius to know that high-quality players are hard to come by, so when one becomes available for as little as £ 17 million, any club would be angry not to throw their name in the hat.Marcel Sabitzer has for several seasons competed with impressive performances in the Bundesliga and in Europe with RB Leipzig. It has been at the same level as in recent years, a lot of sides have already tried to entice the German club to differentiate themselves from their captain, even though their steep price…

Mikkel Damsgaard proves that he is a future superstar

On the way into Euro 2020, few people gave Mikkel Damsgaard much hope of getting anything more than short comerolls from the bench.Denmark's head coach Kasper Hjulmand is a man who seems to favor experience over young people with wildcards, even though the terrible incident with talisman Christian Eriksen in their initial game against Finland saw the Danish boss hand Damsgaard his chance.The 21-year-old's first outing at a major tournament came against the first-class team in the world Belgium on match day two (no pressure)…

Ibrahima Konate Oo Xaflad U Samaystay Lambarka Cusub Ee Liverpool

Ibrahima Konate ayaa samaystay xaflad iyo damaashaad, waxa uu soo urursaday asxaabtii uu ku lahaa magaaladii uu ku dhashay, sababtuna waa in ay u rumowday riyadiisii Liverpool. Riyadani ma ahayn in kaliya uu ka ciyaaro Anfield balse waxa ku lamaanaa in uu xidho No.5 oo ah lambarka uu ugu jecel yahay.Difaacan reer France ayay Liverpool kasoo iibsatay RB Leipzig iyadoo kasoo bixisay £36 milyan oo Gini oo ahayd lacagtii lagu burburin karayay qandaraaskiisa, waxaanu markiiba kasoo degay Anfield.Konate oo ah ciyaartoy Muslim ah…

Manchester United Oo Uu Ka Tegay Xiddig Lagu Tilmaamo Inuu Leeyahay

Kooxda kubadda cagta Manchester United ayaa uu ka ambobaxay mid ka mid ah xiddigaha da’yarta ah ee mustaqbalka wanaagsan, kaas oo aan qayb ka noqon doonin safka tababare Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.Manchester United oo ay joogaan ciyaartooyo badan oo waaweyn ayay yar tahay fursadda ay heli karayaan ciyaaryahannada da’yartu, waxaanay taasi ku riixaysaa in ay ka fikiraan mustaqbalkooda oo ay doontaan kooxo ay ka heli karayaan waqti ciyaareed.Laacibka da’da yar ee Tahith Chong ayaa Manchester United kaga tegaya qaab amaah ah, waxaanu…

Sergio Ramos Oo Weerar Afka Ah Ku Qaaday Real Madrid Kaddib Markii Uu

Sergio Ramos ayaa si dadban u weeraray kooxdiisii hore ee Real Madrid kaddib markii uu u wareegay PSG oo uu heshiis laba sannadood ah u saxeexay Salaasadii.Ramos ayaa ka tegay Los Blancos bishii hore, waxaanu soo afjaray 16 sannadood oo uu xidhnaa funaanadda cas ee Real Madrid, laakiin taasi kama joojin in uu gacanta geliyo kooxdiisa hore oo uu kusii tuuro ereyo turxaan leh.35 jirkan ayay saxeexiisa isku dayeen kooxaha waaweyn ee Yurub sida Manchester United, Chelsea iyo Manchester City, laakiin waxa uu doortay PSG oo…

Real Madrid left ahead of the season announced

Rangers will host Real Madrid in a left-handed match at Ibrox this summer as they celebrate their 150th anniversary.Steven Gerrard's side preparations for the 2021/22 season are already well underway, with Gers aiming to defend his Scottish Premier League title and having ruined it from city rivals Celtic for the first time since 2011.The club have already confirmed friendly matches against Premier League duo Arsenal and Brighton as well as collisions with lower league rivals Tranmere and Blackpool, and now they have…

Schedule, TV & live stream details

The 2021 Gold Cup edition starts with El Salvador against Curacao, followed by Mexico against Trinidad and Tobago.The competition will take place in three major cities in the United States before reaching the final on August 1 in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the arena sold out in record time. Each participating country has been divided into four groups, with four countries in each division playing each other in three group games before the knockout round begins.Here is everything you need to know to follow the tournament and…

A superstar in the beginning for Crystal Palace

Imagine that you are bold enough to take a bet on a prodigy from the lower leagues, he turns out to be brilliant and then picks up an injury that could exclude him for eight months. What are you doing?You go and buy another one - obviously.Now we know what you're thinking, of course it's not as simple as just diving into the championship, choosing a talented youngster and knowing full well that he will perform at the highest level - because as we have already avoided, these types of signings are a game. But in Michael…

Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Ingiriiska Oo Lagu Eedeeyey Inuu Sabab U Ahaa

Ra’iisal wasaaraha waddanka Ingiriiska ee Boris Johnson ayaa lagu eedeeyey in uu sabab u ahaa in xulka qaranka England loo dhigo rikoodhe muran ku jiro, ciyaartii semi-finalka Euro 2020 ee Denmark ee Arbacadii, taas oo ay ugu gudbeen finalka.Ciyaartan oo waqtigii caadiga ahaa kusoo dhamaaday 1-1, waxa lagu daray 30 daqiiqadood oo dheeraad ah, waxaana rikoodhe la siiyey Rahheem Sterling oo u muuqday in uu istuuray amaba uu ahaa rikoodhe fudud oo ay ahayd in garsooruhu aanu siinin Ingiriiska.Goolhayihii hore ee Manchester…

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