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The most watched football matches in UK television history

Football matches are often among the most viewed television broadcasts in a given year in the UK, especially when England are playing in a major international tournament.Knockout games will typically command the biggest audiences, rather than group stage games, as the hype and interest will develop as a tournament progress.Club games usually don’t have the same uniting characteristics and are only watched in the 10s of millions for big finals. Historically most games weren’t available to watch live on television and more…

Southgate urges fans not to boo the anthem

Gareth Southgate has appealed to England fans in the Euro 2020 final not to bid on the Italian national anthem on Sunday night, urging them to "respect the opposition." The Football Association was fined £ 25,500 by UEFA after fans chanted the Danish national anthem, set off fireworks in the stadium and lit a laser pen in Kasper Schmeichel's eyes before the decisive penalty kick in Wednesday's semi-final victory. And when asked about his position on renting the national anthem during Saturday night's press conference,…

WARBIXIN: SHAN Jeer Ayuu Sanka Ka Jawaabay, Wuxuu U Dagaallamaa Sida

Waa fiidnimo Axad ah oo ay yeedhayso heesta calamada England iyo Italy. Waa waqti ay tobannaan kun oo taageereyaal ahi ka qaylinayaan garoonka Wembley Stadium ee magaalada London, waana xilli ay fool ka fool iskaga hor imanayaan xiddigo uu hoggaaminayo Giorgio Chiellini iyo ciyaartoyda xulka England.Giorgio Chiellini waxa uu ciyaarayaa tartankiisii ugu dambeeyey ee Euro ah, waxaanu rajaynayaa  in uu koobka kor u qaado isagoo ah kabtanka xulka Talyaaniga, laakiin waxa uu u baahan yahay dedaal dheeraad ah iyo nasiib isku…

England Euro 2020: Gareth Southgate’s selection dilemma

So far, Gareth Southgate has barely made a foot mistake at Euro 2020.The England boss has stuck to his guns despite the clamor for players like Jack Grealish and Phil Foden to get more playing time, and while the Three Lions campaign may not always have been exciting, they are exactly where they want to be with another game in the tournament . You probably do not need to remind yourself that Italy is the only team that stands between England and European Championship glory, and Southgate is starting on the biggest day in…

Kabtanka Cusub Ee Real Madrid Oo Waraysigii U Horreeyey Bixiyey & Waxa

Kabtanka cusub ee Real Madrid ee Marcelo ayaa bixiyey waraysigii ugu horreeyey kaddib markii uu xilka kooxdaas ka beddelay Sergio Ramos oo ka tegay xagaagii, waxaana uu ka hadlay arrimo muhiim ah oo la xidhiidha shaqadiisa, masuuliyadaha saaran iyo sidii uu u arkay iscasilaaddii Zinedine Zidane.Marcelo oo ay da’diisu tahay 33 jir ah ayaa sida uu sharciga kooxdu dhigayo, waxa uu si toos ah u noqday kabtanka cusub ee dhaxlaya Sergio Ramos, maadaama uu yahay ciyaartoyga labaad ee ugu waqtiga dheer. Laacibkan ayay u tahay…

Queen Elizabeth writes a letter to Southgate

Queen Elizabeth has written an encouragement and compliment to Gareth Southgate and his players in England and sent her "congratulations" and "good wishes" for the Euro 2020 final against Italy on Sunday night. This group of players is the first to reach a grand final in an international tournament since the World Cup winning side in 1966, which Queen Elizabeth herself was there to congratulate 55 years ago. And Her Majesty has written a letter to Coach Southgate and his stars, congratulating them on their achievements and…

RIKOODH: Lacagta Kasoo Xerootay Kulanka England vs Italy Ee Finalka

Xidhiidhka kubadda cagta Yurub ee UEFA ayaa lacagtii ugu badnayd ka helaya kulanka finalka Euro 2020 ee England iyo Italy wada ciyaarayaan fiidnimada Axadda habeen dambe, waxaana inta ugu badan lacagtan soo xareeyey taageereyaasha Ingiriiska ee jibbada iyo hamuunta u qaba in ay arkaan xulkooda oo final ciyaaraya.Gareth Southgate ayuu xulka dalkiisu u dagaallamayaa finalkii ugu horreeyey ee Euro ah, halka ay u tahay markii u horreysay ee ay final gaadhaan tan iyo koobkii adduunka 1966kii, waxaanay arrintan ku xaqiijisteen…

How Arsenal could line up with Albert Sambi Lokonga

Transfer gossip columns may not be your cup of tea. And if so, there is every reason to believe that Arsenal's potential spending summer may have passed you by.So to give you a brief overview of where we are so far, Nuno Tavares is through the Emirates Stadium door and signed, while there are a host of other players linked, tipped or expected to follow and move to north London.One such player who is now a dead CAC to join Tavares is Anderlecht Albert Sambi Lokonga. A talented 22-year-old who is more than capable at both…

Fans give the players a warm broadcast for the final

England supporters took to the streets to give their heroes a memorable broadcast on Saturday night as players left St George's Park for London, ahead of Sunday's huge Euro 2020 final against Italy. The Three Lions have been looking forward to the match since beating Denmark 2-1 on Wednesday night, and the coaching staff has put the finishing touches on their preparation for the country's first major final in 55 years. And Three Lions supporters came out in hundreds to wish the players good luck on their trip to London,…

Lionel Messi Oo Maalin Walba Khasaaraa Lacag Gaadhaysa 100,000 Euro

Xiddiga reer Argentina ee Lionel Messi, qorraxdii soo baxdaba waxa uu galaa khasaare gaadhaya 100,000 Euro, waxaanay arrintani usoo bilaabantay toddobaad ka hor.Kabtanka xulka qaranka Argentian waxa toddobaadkii hore ka dhacay heshiiskii uu kula jiray Barcelona, waxaanu isaga oo xor ah ku sugan yahay waddanka Brazil oo uu caawa dalkiisu finalka Copa America la ciyaari doono Brazil.Wargeyska El Mundo ee kasoo baxa Barcelona ayaa daboolka ka qaaday lacagta uu Lionel Messi Barcelona ka qaadan jiray sannad kasta, mana aha mid…

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