Montreal vs. Philadelphia Union: Coach Curtin Expresses Disappointment Over Recent MLS Downturn

This coming weekend, CF Montreal and Philadelphia Union, both eager for wins, will clash at the St Scriptures Saputo.
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The Union have been struggling, with no wins in their recent six MLS games, and a defeat to Charlotte FC last witnessed by their fans.

With only 20 points from 19 matches, they’re significantly behind their usual mid-season scores from the past years.

While acknowledging these rough patches, Curtin also noted squad injuries as a huge drawback in their latest games.

“I’m the one to blame,” Curtin stated, assuming full responsibility for their present streak.

“We are hurting, but the squad is still fighting hard,” he added, lamenting the absence of several key players.

Montreal also finds themselves on a bit of a skid, with no wins since they toppled DC United in May.

After falling 4-1 to the Colorado Rapids, they hover just above the Eastern Conference’s basement-dwelling Chicago Fire.

Their last nine games against the Union have been tough, with a record of one win, four draws, and four losses since October 2020.


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Despite their lackluster form, the Union enters as slight favorites but they bring a strong historical performance against Montreal to the table.

Philadelphia has dominated recent matchups except for their last skirmish, where they dipped 3-2 in March 2023.

Montreal’s paltry record of one victory over the past 14 games highlights their struggle. They’re among the bottom feeders in the league during this period.

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