new nationwide grief after the Tillia bloodbath

Customs duty is growing in Niger. On the evening of Monday, March 22, the government announced that attacks on Sunday against villages and camps in the Tahoua region near Mali resulted in the deaths of 137 people. These attacks are the deadliest committed in the country by suspected jihadists in recent years. A three-day national mourning was issued from this Tuesday.

The attackers arrived on motorcycles and opened fire directly at the villagers. Witnesses also say cattle were stolen. For the authorities, this is a development of modus operandi. In any case, this is confirmed by Minister Zakaria Abdourahamane, Government Spokeswoman. This is in fact the fourth attack in the country aimed exclusively at civilians since the start of the year.

Non-required attacks

Last Monday, 66 people were killed further west,in the Tillabéry region in the three border areas. There was also a village targeted as well as vehicles returning from the Banibangou market. In one week, therefore, more than 200 people were killed in western Niger.

These attacks have so far not been claimed. The government spokesman assures us that this is not an inter-municipal conflict. “We do not know about these problems in Niger. We must not mix it up, ”he says. In a statement, the authorities only talk about armed bandits.

A balance is still uncertain

The region, desert and difficult to access, is experiencing growing insecurity. The Islamic State in Grand Saharay has recently expanded its grip. The terrorist group has also claimed responsibility for an attack on Malian soldiers carried out last week in the region with the three borders. Thirty soldiers died the same day and not far from the Banibangou attack. In addition, there are several jihadist groups in this area.

In its press release, the government announces that “enhanced security and health measures have been taken in the region” and that “an investigation is open to find and bring to justice the perpetrators of these cowardly and criminal acts”. Currently, toll 137 are dead, but it can still evolve. There are many injured, the area is isolated, the networks often go bad and the information takes time to come up.


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