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Uganda Expresses Gratitude to TIKA for Advancing National Development

Sure, here's a rewritten version with those criteria in mind: <h1>Uganda Expresses Gratitude to TIKA for Aid in National Progress</h1> In a heartfelt acknowledgment, Uganda has expressed sincere appreciation to the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) for its unwavering support in fostering the country’s growth and development. This gratitude resonates deeply, reflecting the positive impact of TIKA’s initiatives across various sectors. TIKA's contributions have spanned critical areas such as…

end of the Republican National Dialogue

The Republican dialogue that would put an end to the crisis that is shaking the country ended on Sunday, March 27 in Bangui. For one week, 450 participants exchanged and then debated before arriving at the preparation of about 600 proposals on such diverse…

effective launch of the national conference

National Assizes kicks off on Tuesday, March 22 in Guinea. These meetings, initiated by the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, aim to build a "new institutional framework" in the country. The president of the transition, Colonel…

Turkey participates in the reconstruction of the Somali National Army [SNA]

MOGADISHU, Somalia The Turkish government donates armored anti-mine vehicles to the Somali National Army with the aim of helping in the fight against the AlShabaab fighters who live on the Horn of Africa devastates. AlShabaab tries to overthrow the fragile Somali government  with UN support, but has faced stiff resistance for years from an organized army, mainly foreign troops, serving the African Union mission in Somalia. . Hassan Ali Mohamed, Somalia's Defense Minister, and General Odowaa Yusuf Rageh, Chief of the…

national grief three days after the deadly attack

At least 47 civilians and gendarmes were killed on Wednesday, August 18, in the northern part of the country between Arbinda and Dori in an ambush by suspected terrorists while traveling in a convoy. A three-day national mourning has been ordered by the government. Questions arise about the victims, both civilian and military,…

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