Justice upholds Shell’s conviction to compensate Ejama-Ebubu community

Nigerian justice has confirmed the conviction of the Anglo-Dutch hydrocarbon giant Shell to $ 467 million in damages for an oil spill caused in 1970.

This could be the last end of a lengthy trial. It comes after several years of legal struggle, a victory for the Ejama-Ebubu community in Rivers State in Nigeria, which will thus be compensated to almost 400 million euros for an oil spill that occurred 50 years ago.

The Nigerian Supreme Court has therefore rejected a request from Shell to set aside the verdict reached in 2010, after nine years of trial. The Anglo-Dutch multinational was found to be entirely responsible for the oil spill that destroyed Ejama-Ebubu’s community and polluted the water, resulting in many diseases. Shell still denies and hammers that she cleaned the area.

Accused of several oil spills in the Niger Delta, the company is facing many lawsuits in Nigeria, in British courts and in the Netherlands, for example on Tuesday, December 1, where environmental organizations accuse the Anglo-Dutch hydrocarbon giant. non-compliance with the Paris Agreement.

But Shell often does. Last year, for example, a British court blocked a claim for damages against the company in another case of a similar nature to the 1970 Riversen State oil spill.

►Read also: An oil spill caused by Shell threatens the coast of Nigeria


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