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Kenya: Duale Transferred from Defence to Environment Ministry

Kenya: Duale Switched from Defence to Environment Ministry NAIROBI – In a surprising shuffle, President William Ruto has reassigned Aden Duale, a close ally, to head the Environment ministry. This unexpected move unfolded just before a crucial second vetting phase for Kenya's new batch of ministers, happening a week post-nomination. In the midst of mounting public unrest, Ruto dismissed his entire cabinet, subsequently announcing 11 new nominees in his initial selection. Originally appointed as Defense Minister, Duale's…

Chad: Southwestern Efforts Boost Tourism Industry

Reimagining Chad's Narrative Through Its Natural Splendor "Chad Volunteers Organization" aspires to revolutionize Chad's image by showcasing its untold natural beauty. This group's mission involves touring the nation to uncover and celebrate its most captivating locales. Chad Volunteers Organization aims to educate Chadians about these gems and, eventually, ignite a fledgling tourism industry that could turn Chad into a sought-after travel destination. However, the road to get there remains long and challenging.…

the planted filter takes root in Senegal

The World Water Forum will be held until March 26 in Senegal. On Thursday, the small company Filtre Plante with UNHCR presented a sanitation project through phyto-cleaning of several refugee camps in the Sahel. This organic process has recently been applied to Dakar corniche where papyrus plants feed on dirty water to make it useful again. A first in West Africa. Follow the tube.…

Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate: “Not all local weather motion is

Ugandan local weather activist Vanessa Nakate started her activism in 2019 by organizing a solo local weather protest on the gates of Uganda's parliament, earlier than co-founding each the Rise Up motion and Fridays for Future Uganda. She is at present in Paris with a delegation of Ugandan and Tanzanian activists who're preventing to fire up opposition to a enormous pipeline beneath development in East Africa. She joined us for Perspective to inform us extra about her activism, her hopes for assembly Pope Francis and the…

“Water will relocate among the priorities for

The World Water Forum opens its doors for a week in Dakar. This is the most important meeting devoted to this resource. It occurs only every three years and is the first in sub-Saharan Africa. Created in 1997 by the World Water Council, linked to large companies in this sector, it is therefore not part of the UN. Explanations of the problems with Abdoulaye Sene, hydraulic engineer and executive secretary of the event.…

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