US Warns of Houthis’ Strategic Alliance to Disrupt International Shipping

The Houthi surge appears driven by their aspiration for global recognition and to show they can threaten US and UK ships, insiders revealed. This seems more like a marriage of convenience than ideological alignment, according to the same sources.

Washington thinks the Houthis aim to form alliances beyond al-Shabab but hasn’t seen other successful linkups yet. Officials kept mum on specifics concerning their bond with the Somali insurgents, citing the need to safeguard intelligence tactics and sources.

US intelligence officials reported this week that Houthi strikes on Red Sea commercial vessels caused a 90% drop in container shipping through the area from December to February, marking their first formal review of the rebels’ economic toll.

These assaults have impacted at least 65 nations and forced rerouting by at least 29 major energy and maritime companies.

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