Somalia Boosts Mogadishu Airspace Safety with New Airport Initiative

Somalia Readies to Build a New Mogadishu Airport Amid Safety Jitters

MOGADISHU, Somalia – The Somali Federal Government declared its intent to erect a fresh airport in Mogadishu, aimed at alleviating the bottleneck at Aden Adde International Airport, which dates back to the nation’s early post-independence days over 50 years ago.

Aden Adde remains Somalia’s lone proper air hub, struggling to cope with the surging daily footfall.

Perched on the Indian Ocean’s edge, this airport stands as Somalia’s most fortified zone. Ahmed Macalin Hassan, the man steering the Somalia Civil Aviation Authority, revealed that the new airport will sprout in El Jamaaq, poised to meet the burgeoning local air travel needs, as flights are seen as the safest transport means.

“Mogadishu shall boast a new airport, serving all sorts of aircraft, both domestic and international. We’ve appraised the land and found it fitting for the build,” stated the General Manager.

He noted that the dystopic Mogadishu International Airport (Aden Adde International Airport) witnesses a burst of over 200 daily flights, driving the push for a new venue. Air travel gets the nod from most Somalis.

Meanwhile, Flydubai Airlines has flagged its operations in and out of Mogadishu, halting them effective June 11, 2024, due to safety qualms. The airliner broadcasted to its associates that its final Mogadishu-bound flight would soar on June 10, 2024.

This venture, the General Manager added, underscores the government’s zeal to boost the country’s aviation framework and ability. He also disclosed plans to develop additional airports in regional states to soothe Mogadishu’s overcrowding.

Emerging from decades of internal chaos plunged further into turmoil by Al-Shabaab militants, Somalia seeks stability. These militants still grip vast tracts of the nation’s rural swathes in the Horn of Africa.


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