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Al-Shabab Undermines Somali Advances, Forms Alliance with Houthis

The Houthis have targeted or threatened U.S. Navy and commercial vessels over 190 times in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November 19, 2023, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh disclosed to reporters on Monday. Two assaults on Thursday hit the Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned, Polish-operated bulk cargo ship M/V Verbena, leaving one crew member severely injured, while another crew member remains missing following a separate attack on the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned M/V Tutor on Wednesday."The Houthis claim they're…

US Warns of Houthis’ Strategic Alliance to Disrupt International Shipping

The Houthi surge appears driven by their aspiration for global recognition and to show they can threaten US and UK ships, insiders revealed. This seems more like a marriage of convenience than ideological alignment, according to the same sources. Washington thinks the Houthis aim to form alliances beyond al-Shabab but hasn't seen other successful linkups yet. Officials kept mum on specifics concerning their bond with the Somali insurgents, citing the need to safeguard intelligence tactics and sources. US intelligence…

US Intelligence Reveals Yemen’s Houthis Negotiating Weapons Deal with Somalia’s al-Shabaab, Officials Report

"This chat is buzzing with chatter from both sides of the Red Sea," said an insider. "And it's being taken dead serious." The alliance between these two factions, historically divided by sectarian rifts, is an oddity. The Houthis are Zaydi Shiites, while al-Shabaab has staunchly opposed Shiism. Despite no known prior ties, they're only a hop across the Gulf of Aden away - a strategically substantial waterway - with a mutual enemy: the United States. The intelligence suggests a grim possibility: a quid pro quo could spell…

US Intelligence Confirms: Yemen’s Houthis Negotiating Arms Deal with Somalia’s al-Shabaab, Reports Suggest

In an image captured December 2023, individuals trained by the Houthis flaunt their firearms and wave Palestinian flags while shouting slogans at an armed parade in Al-Sabeen Square, Sana'a, Yemen. Photo courtesy of Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images/File U.S. intelligence has unearthed chatter among Houthis in Yemen about arming the Somali militant group al-Shabaab. Three American officials told CNN that this troubling development could exacerbate an already chaotic situation. Authorities are now hunting for proof of Houthi…

Yemeni Rebels Allege Assault on American Vessel and Cargo Ship Amid United Nations Deliberations

Recently, US Central Command announced that the Mason was part of the latest series of attacks. They shared that on May 13, the Mason successfully intercepted an anti-ship ballistic missile. Additionally, they took down two drones launched by the Houthi that same day. According to EUNAVFOR Aspides, a total of 13 drones and missiles have been neutralized by US and EU forces over the past week. Another drone was reported to have crashed. These attacks intensified after the Houthi declared a fourth wave of assaults. In a…

Houthis Triumph Over US Navy in Red Sea Battle

The USS Carney, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, successfully defended against Houthi missiles and drones in the Red Sea. Houthis issued a warning about attacking ships heading to Israel, claiming a victory over the US Navy in the Red Sea. Reports from the Houthi-controlled SABA news agency detailed plans to target vessels going to Israel with drones and missiles. The campaign aims to challenge powerful naval forces, including American, British, and European fleets, as well as the Israeli navy. Yahya…

Houthis Vow to Intercept Ships Bound for Israel Across their Reach

The Houthis are launching drone and missile strikes on ships in solidarity with Palestinians, targeting vessels heading to Israeli ports within their reach. Israeli threats to invade Gaza have led to fears the conflict could spread, prompting international calls for a ceasefire. Negotiations between Hamas and Israel have stalled due to key points of contention. The Houthi spokesperson cited the lack of a permanent ceasefire as a reason for targeting ships bound for Israeli ports. Violence in Gaza has resulted in thousands of…

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