Strengthening Bonds: Somalia Fortifies Relationship with Turkey

Somali forges strong ties with Turkey

In the past ten years, Somalia has developed a reliable partnership with Turkey, with Ankara making considerable investments in trade, diplomacy, and security, significantly aiding the country’s stabilization efforts.

Recently, Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, the Upper House speaker of Somalia, met with Turkey’s new ambassador, Alper Aktaş, to discuss ways to enhance the bilateral relationship between the two nations.

Turkey has made substantial contributions to the security sector in Somalia, providing training and equipment to the GorGor troops, who play a crucial role in combating Al-Shabaab alongside US-trained Danab commandos.

Abdullahi, a close associate of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, expressed appreciation for Turkey’s ongoing support for Somalia’s development and stabilization initiatives, particularly in education, security, and humanitarian aid.

The speaker commended Turkey as a valuable ally and friend to Somalia, aiding the country in its pursuit of stability and progress. Both nations are eager to strengthen their partnership and pursue mutual growth opportunities.

Ambassador Alper Aktaş reiterated Turkey’s dedication to promoting Somalia’s growth and stability, stressing the importance of maintaining strong diplomatic ties and offering assistance to help Somalia achieve its development goals.

The construction of a $6 million embassy for Somalia in Ankara signifies the deep bond between the two nations, further solidified by a recent defense agreement and Turkey’s interest in exploring natural resources along Somalia’s coastline.

Overall, the relationship between Turkey and Somalia is rooted in mutual respect and brotherhood, with both countries committed to working together towards a prosperous future.

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