South Sudan Cabinet Imposes Limits on Access to President Kiir

South Sudan Cabinet Restricts President Kiir’s Access

JUBBA, South Sudan – The South Sudanese cabinet has placed restrictions on access to President Salva Kiir. His health woes have made public appearances tough the past couple of years.

Due to ongoing health issues, safety protocols must be tightened around President Salva Kiir. His public presence has been scarce for nearly two years.

Joseph Bakosoro, Minister of the Presidency, mentioned that this move is to refine protocols in the president’s office and better manage visitor schedules, as reported by the Sudan Tribune. This decision was agreed upon after deliberations in the Council of Ministers.

While some people welcomed this announcement, others suspect it’s a ploy to safeguard personal interests as South Sudan gears up for the general elections set for December 2024.

Certain factions worry that this decision might encourage a military power grab amidst the president’s health uncertainties. Critics think it could ignite succession conflicts.

South Sudan’s Deputy Information Minister, Jacob Korok, said that ministers wishing to contact the president now must file an official request with the cabinet affairs office first.

Afterward, the request gets sent to the Ministry of Presidential Affairs. Upon receiving it, they’ll arrange the meeting.

“Ministers now need to take their request forms to the minister of cabinet affairs first, before heading to the president’s. Fill out the form, pass it to the minister of presidential affairs, and then get notified when your time comes. These new steps aim to ease congestion in the president’s office,” Korok clarified.

The directive also affects presidential advisors, security personnel, and defense officials. However, it doesn’t apply to the nation’s five vice presidents, according to the Sudan Tribune.


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