Somali Police Apprehend Man for Alleged Double Murder of Mother and Nephew in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (AX) – Somali authorities have nabbed Mohamed Hassan Ali Dhiblawe on charges of slaying his mom and nephew in Denyiile, Mogadishu.

The victims have been identified as Murayo Mohamud Siyad, age 55, and Yusuf Mohamud Siyad, age 85. The suspect is believed to have used a knife in the fatal attacks.

The motive remains a mystery.

“Officers from Deyniile Police Station arrested the suspect at around 6:40 pm on June 24, 2024. A mental health evaluation is underway to uncover the reason behind the familial homicides,” stated the police.

Last year, a Kismayo court executed 37-year-old Hassan Abdullahi Abdi Shire, who had been convicted of murdering his mother, Halimo Hassan Omar, with a knife.

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