Senator Farole issues a declaration of election

Somalia Northeastern State – Former Northeastern State President Abdirahman Farole has issued a statement on the current election crisis in Somalia, issuing key points that could lead to reconciliation and understanding in a country that has been fighting for conflict for months now.

Farole, who serves in the Senate representing Northeastern State, has rejected the fact that opposition leaders and current administrations in Northeastern State and Jubaland have been struggling to stamp the authority on electoral processes in the country for some time now.

In his statement, Senator Farole called for the involvement of all stakeholders and argued that the stalemate could be resolved if all those who matter are brought on board for the sake of stability and democracy in the country.

“The next conference should be attended by all stakeholders, including: from the center (federal prime minister and prime minister); from the periphery (presidents of federal states); from the pro-union ‘ North Western of SomaliaState’ (committee chaired by the chairman of the Upper House of Federal Parliament) and a delegation from the opposition (committee elected by the Council of Presidential Candidates), he said.

Senator Faroole, who has been critical of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s administration, said the international community in particular AMISOM should hold talks to resolve the ant, adding that the United Nations should also chip in and help.

With everyone on board, he noted that the stalemate could be cured given the expectations of the Somalis. He said all leaders should abolish their political ambitions for the sake of the country, adding that with unity of cohesion many can be achieved.

“Conference Development Supervision should be subordinate to a committee of the International Community to help break the deadlock; Conference security should be under the exclusive mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the UN Mission in Somalia (UNSOM),” he said.

“The solution is secured with an all-in-one representation and all-in-one result at the conference to break the electoral lock and immediately start the free and fair federal election process.”

Farole has pushed for reconciliation between the two factions and has been particularly critical of further seats in the Senate for North Western of Somaliaand Banadir regions, which he says could be abused by the outgoing president for electoral purposes.


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