President Ruto’s Groundbreaking Diplomatic Mission to the United States

President William Ruto bids farewell to Deputy Rigathi Gachagua at JKIA before embarking on a three-day State visit to the US on May 19, 2024.

President William Ruto has set off for a three-day state visit to the United States. He was seen off at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Sunday night by his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua and other top government officials.

“This visit is significant as it marks the first State Visit by a Kenyan Head of State in two decades and the first by an African Head of State since 2008,” stated State House Spokesman Hussein Mohamed.

He emphasized that the visit showcases the strong partnership between Kenya and the United States, celebrating 60 years of solid diplomatic relations.

Over the years, Kenya and the United States have fostered deep and mutually beneficial cooperation at both bilateral and multilateral levels. This led to the elevation of their relationship in 2018 to a Strategic Partnership.

In order to achieve tangible outcomes in key areas, President Ruto was cordially invited by US President Joe Biden. The visit, themed “Partnership for Prosperity,” aims to strengthen shared commitments to economic growth, democratic values, and peace and security.

The visit will focus on highlighting shared values such as democratic governance, health partnerships, and the promotion of the creative economy. Security cooperation will also be a key aspect to ensure peace, security, and sustainable development.

Trade and investment for mutual prosperity, digital technology cooperation for innovation, progress, and inclusion will also be key areas of focus during the visit.

Since December 2022, Kenya and the US have increased their bilateral and multilateral engagements through various events. These engagements have attracted investments from US tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Cisco.

President Ruto’s visit will start in Atlanta, Georgia, with visits to key locations that represent shared commitments between the two nations on governance, democratic values, and anti-corruption efforts.

The President will also engage with Kenyans living in Atlanta to recognize the diaspora’s contribution to national transformation. He will also visit Spelman College to discuss the role of higher education in developing Kenya’s human capital.

At Tyler Perry Studios, President Ruto will explore opportunities in the creative economy as a major job creator. He will also visit Coca-Cola to announce new investment partnerships and launch VIVO’s first store in America.

President Ruto will have meetings in Washington, D.C., with bipartisan congressional delegations to discuss challenges faced by African democracies and urge an extension of the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA).

The visit will wrap up with a State Dinner at the White House and strategic meetings focused on trade, investment, and digital cooperation. President Ruto will also visit the Pentagon to highlight the Kenya-US defense partnership.

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