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Sudanese Military Revokes Diplomatic Passports for

Sudanese Military Government Annuls Diplomatic Passports of Dozens of Officials In a striking move, Sudan's military-appointed administration, on July 20, decided to revoke diplomatic passports from a considerable number of Sudanese military and political figures. The commander of the Rapid Support Forces, along with his sibling who serves as the vice president of these forces, are conspicuously included on a list featuring 112 individuals. "This is a significant development," remarked an anonymous source within the…

Sudan and Iran: Conclusion of Eight-Year Diplomatic Dispute

Sudan and Iran Mend Diplomatic Relations After Eight-Year Rift Sudan's head honcho, army bigwig Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, welcomed the Iranian envoy on July 21, 2024. He also dispatched his own emissary to Tehran, signaling a significant thaw in relations between the two countries. This marks an end to an eight-year diplomatic freeze. "Details."

new diplomatic and field tensions around

The security situation remains equally worrying in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The reactivation of the M23 (March 23 movement) in Rutshuru Territory, North Kivu, is a cause for concern. Monusco noted a renewed activity of the movement in a border area in…

Algeria announces the severance of diplomatic relations

The Algerian Foreign Minister declared at a press conference on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, that Morocco was ready to "hostile acts" against its country. Algiers announces that diplomatic relations with Rabat will be suspended immediately. "Algeria has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Morocco from this…

Ethiopia closes diplomatic missions in Tigray battle

Ethiopia closes diplomatic missions in Tigray conflict NAIROBI, Kenya - The Ethiopian federal government has started implementing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's order to close several embassies and consulates, Addis Ababa Standard has established, in a move that could reduce its overseas presence. Already, the government has started recalling diplomats home from missions who are expected to remain…

Diplomatic warming between Burundi and

Burundi celebrated this Thursday, July 1, the 59th anniversary of its independence. Among the prominent guests are Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, but especially Rwanda's Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente. This is the first visit by a Rwandan head of state or government to Burundi since the deterioration of relations between the two neighbors in the mid-2010s.…

How Somalia-Kenya diplomatic tiff made life difficult for air travelers

How Somalia-Kenya diplomatic tiff made life difficult for air travelers in Mogadishu MOGADISHU, Somalia - The suspension of flights from Kenya to Somalia has made life difficult for air travelers connecting Nairobi and Mogadishu, given the cost of air tickets to other routes, which is almost double the cost of the route from origin. Cost analysts say the money used from Nairobi to Mogadishu…

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