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AU Mission Initiates Probe into Somalian Civilian Killings

AU Mission Probes Civilian Deaths in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has launched an urgent inquiry into the reported fatality of farmers in Bulo Marer earlier this week, calling the incident deeply tragic. The Ugandan People's Defence Forces (UPDF), part of ATMIS, have faced severe backlash, with locals accusing them of using unnecessary violence against innocent civilians. "We've initiated a comprehensive investigation into these grave allegations and pledge to share…

Arab states be a part of Somalia in drought response mission

Arab states be a part of Somalia in drought response mission Cairo, Egypt - Arab League states have joined Somalia within the battle to mitigate the consequences of drought within the Horn of Africa nation, which has left dozens lifeless and others displaced in keeping with the United Nations. Abdisaid Musa Ali, the Foreign Minister, held a gathering with the Secretary General of Arab States,…

The AU reaches an agreement with FGS on the future of the AMISON in Somalia

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Just over four months before theend of the mandate of the troops in the nation of Somalia, the African Union reached an agreement with the Federal Government of Somalia on the future of the armed forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia's Horn of Africa. A resolution adopted in June agreed that AMISOM troops would remain in Somalia until December 2021 and then leave for their respective countries, but Somalia opposed the measure due to the threat posedbyAl-Shabaab in the country. and FGS…

a humanitarian mission soon in place

The rivers Tshikapa, Kasaï, Fimi and Kwilu have been affected by significant pollution since the end of July. Fish and aquatic animals were found dead. According to the Congolese authorities, this pollution is due to the activity in a diamond mine in the Angolan province of Lunda Norte, where Tshikapa comes from. According to the government, 13 of the 18 health zones in Kasai province are affected and…

What a mission for the Congolese Basile Ikouébé,

The High Representative of the African Union for the political transition of Chad, who already occupied the post of Special Envoy for the same organization, will land in Ndjamena on Sunday to "take up his post". His arrival was eagerly awaited in Chad, the only African country that has not been sanctioned by the AU since the…

EU cuts KDF pay by $ 49 million for Somalia mission

NAIROBI, Kenya - Kenya Defense Forces will have to operate with a $ 49 million deficit in the 2021/22 budget, it emerged, after the European Union slashed donor repayments to Kenya by 66%, ahead of AMISOM's exit from Somalia . AMISOM troops are expected to withdraw from the Horn of Africa nation upon full implementation of the Somali transition plan by the end of 2021. AMISOM has nearly 22,000 troops in Somalia, fully paid by the European Union, the UN, the United States among other partners. In a report tabled in…

AU mission to investigate suspected Kenyan military airstrikes in

AU mission to investigate suspected Kenyan military airstrikes in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union mission in Somalia launched a series of investigations into the alleged bombing by the Kenya Defense Forces in parts of Gedo, where they reportedly targeted civilians last week. A statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation linked the KDF to…

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