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East Africa

East Africa | Axadle | Somali English News Source, That, you can depend on. From, the expert view you can trust.

the peoples of the far south affected by drought and food insecurity

The phenomenon is recurring in this area, and this year it promises to be even more difficult. The latest food insecurity study (April 2020) estimates that 1.6 million people in the Great South are having difficulty accessing food due to drought, including 500,000 who are facing severe food insecurity and in need of urgent help. Earlier this week, an emergency mission was deployed to Amboasary Atsimo, and a meeting was held on Wednesday, September 30, between local authorities and organizations fighting hunger following a…

angry movement at the largest hospital in East Africa

Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, went on strike on Monday, September 28th. The employees of this company, which employs 5,000 people, are demanding wage increases. But several tragedies brought the case to court. Yesterday, a special court ordered the suspension of the movement. Collected by the hundreds in the courtyard of the hospital, employees ask where their money is. They demand the application of a decision by Parliament dating back to 2012, which had changed the pay categories and should lead to an…

The French High Court approves the transfer of the suspected genocide in Rwanda Felicien Kabuga

In tonight's edition: A French court rules that the Rwandan man accused of bankrolling the country's genocide can be transferred to a UN tribunal to be prosecuted. Felix Kabuga was arrested near Paris earlier this year after 25 on the run. Cameroon is accused of becoming more and more oppressive after hundreds of opposition protesters remain in jail after their arrest at anti-government demonstrations…

British Army forms Somali National Army brigade

BAIDOA, Somalia - The first brigade HQ to be trained in Somalia in a generation has completed command and staff training in Mogadishu and returned to its headquarters in Baidoa, the interim state capital of southwestern Kenya. Somalia, in the barracks planned in the United Kingdom. The Command and Staff Course for Somali National Army (SNA) officers in Baidoa was taught by British Army personnel deployed on Operation TANGHAM. The course focused on the planning and conduct of stabilization operations, and 19 ANS…

Somali soldier killed in volatile Gedo region near Kenya

GARBAHAREY, Somalia - A member of the Somali National Army was killed on Monday in Balad-Hawo, a fragile town along the Kenya-Somalia border, to an extent that could further escalate tensions in the region, which has witnessed skirmishes for several months amid 'calls for a ceasefire. Diriye Barre Ubow, who until his death served in the ANS was reportedly shot dead by gunmen in the town under unclear circumstances and was left for his death, eyewitnesses said. The gunmen fled the scene and could not be identified…

Somalia expresses condolences to Kuwait on death of Sheikh

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia joined the rest of the world in paying tribute to Kuwaiti leader Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, who died in the United States on Tuesday, just 14 years after the start of his reign, characterized by diplomacy high level in the Middle East. East and around the world. Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, a seasoned diplomat who positioned the small Arab Gulf state as a regional peacemaker and forged an American alliance that deepened after the country's invasion by the Iraq…

French justice validates the surrender of Félicien Kabuga to international justice

The Paris Court of Cassation on Wednesday, September 30, validated the surrender of the alleged Rwandan genocide Félicien Kabuga to international justice. France therefore now has one month to hand it over to the MTPI (Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals). The Court of Cassation finally rejected the appeal introduced by the lawyers from Félicien Kabuga to avoid this transfer. The alleged Rwandan genocide will therefore be handed over to international justice. She thus confirms the decision taken in June last…

Flights delayed in Somalia as airlines accuse NISA of

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Flights were temporarily delayed in Somalia on Tuesday following protests at Aden Adde International Airport which is the country's most reliable airport serving millions of people a year and is almost the main source of income interiors. Travelers were stranded after reports revealed one of the airlines had been suspended by the National Intelligence Security Agency to fly to Dolow, a town in the Gedo region, which has witnessed high octane politics in recent months. The crisis in the border…

Al-Shabaab publicly executes elder by firing squad

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia-based al-Shabaab activists continued their spate of killings in parts of the country, targeting critics and suspected opponents, using brutal execution methods, which often prompted retaliation from residents and members of the international community. On Monday, the group executed Hassan Aden Ali, 44, a prominent alumnus from Hiran, central Somalia, using the deadly firing squad. It is not known why the activists targeted the elder and the group has yet to release a statement regarding…

Kenyan president of France to finalize key economic agreements

The Kenyan president arrives in Paris for a five-day visit to France. A business-oriented move. The head of state, accompanied by five ministers, attends a conference for the public investment bank, meets with French employers and signs contracts. Uhuru Kenyatta is accompanied by a strong delegation of ministers and is expected to attend several economic events. A conference at the headquarters of BPI France, the institution responsible for promoting French companies abroad, but also a meeting in Medef, the French…

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