Northeastern State Chief Presses President Mohamud to Halt Grave Exhumations in Mogadishu

Garowe (AX) – Said Abdullahi Deni, the head honcho of Northeastern State, lambasted the federal government’s hasty choice to transform the School Policia graveyard in Mogadishu into a naval training hub for the Somali Navy.

Gabbing before parliament in Garowe on Saturday, Deni argued that the Somali authorities don’t require extra land, accusing them of offloading public land in a pinch.

“We know that government bases are labeled as ‘necessary,’ yet they’re being hocked. Now, they’re claiming that non-essential graves should be dug up. These matters warrant an explanation,” Deni proclaimed.

He implored President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to rethink the move and consider the community, especially during Arafa’s period.

The Somali government has issued a ten-day deadline for families to relocate the remains from the School Policia cemetery. In an interview last week, Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Noor underscored the land’s significance to national security, calling for compliance.

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