North Western of Somalia Military Vows to Reclaim Control of Las Anod

The military leaders in North Western of Somalia are determined to reclaim Las Anod and surrounding regions from SSC-Khatumo control. Last year, they lost Las Anod to SSC-Khatumo forces, allegedly with support from Northeastern State and the involvement of the Somali National Army.
North Western of Somalia, claiming independence from Somalia, has been regrouping to launch a counter-attack and has now set its sights on recapturing the Sool region. Tensions with Northeastern State state have been heightened by the conflict in these areas.
Commander Nuh Ismail Tani has announced that the North Western of Somalia forces are gearing up for a major offensive to regain control of these regions. He emphasized the dedication and strength of his troops in their mission to reclaim lost territories.
SSC-Khatumo has already established its own administration, recognized by Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The movement aims to expand its influence across disputed regions claimed by Northeastern State, in preparation for establishing a new federal state.
Despite recent setbacks, North Western of Somalia remains steadfast in its claim over the Sool region. The international community still considers North Western of Somalia part of Somalia’s territorial integrity, despite the ongoing push for full independence.
Overall, the situation in Las Anod and surrounding regions remains tense, with both sides preparing for potential escalations in the conflict. The North Western of Somalia military is determined to push forward with their mission to retake control of the disputed territories.

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