Former Army Chief Confirms: Somali Forces Poised to Assume Full Security Control

Somalia Security Transition

MOGADISHU, Somalia – According to an ex-top military officer, the Somali National Army (SNA) and police are well-prepared to handle security duties as foreign troops exit. He emphasized the solid investments securing the nation’s stability.

The Somali Transition Plan (STP) stipulates the departure of all African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops once put into action. ATMIS has already initiated withdrawing its personnel from Somalia.

General Dahir Aden Elmi, the ex-chief of the Somali army, voiced on Voice of America that local forces are primed to step in as foreign contingents fully pull out. For years, these troops helped in peace restoration across various regions.

During a detailed conversation with VOA, Dahir confirmed Somali forces’ readiness to assume security duties. He urged Somalis to believe in their own capabilities and eventually cease dependency on international forces.

“We’ve forged a robust military contingent,” Dahir commented. “We anticipate these units to replace foreign soldiers swiftly as we strive for our country’s tranquility and enduring peace. Certain lingering issues can be handled internally.”

“Foreign troops have significantly aided in stabilizing our army. I am fully confident in their prowess, and we, as a nation, should cherish this. We stand prepared,” he remarked, highlighting the quality training provided to local forces.

Last week, National Security Advisor Hussein Sheikh Ali emphasized that Ethiopian troops within ATMIS should depart post-mission lapse, citing ‘political meddling’ in Somalia’s governance, borders, and independence.

ATMIS has begun a phased withdrawal, with 5,000 troops slated to exit by December 2023 and another 5,000 by June 2024. Elite Somali soldiers receive training from the US Africa Command and the Turkish-Somalia mission.


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