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Former Army Chief Confirms: Somali Forces Poised to Assume Full Security Control

Somalia Security Transition MOGADISHU, Somalia - According to an ex-top military officer, the Somali National Army (SNA) and police are well-prepared to handle security duties as foreign troops exit. He emphasized the solid investments securing the nation's stability. The Somali Transition Plan (STP) stipulates the departure of all African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops once put into action. ATMIS has already initiated withdrawing its personnel from Somalia. General Dahir Aden Elmi, the ex-chief…

Can just as well assume! – The week of

Coups that are increasingly tolerated by the African Union, the sub-regional organizations and some African friends, it will be necessary to stop putting their authors in the position of having to account. Emmanuel Macron, who announced the end of Operation Barkhane, says France does not need to replace African states forever.…

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