AFRICOM Refutes Involvement in Fatal Al-Shabaab Airstrike in Northeastern State

Somalia’s National Army, backed by global allies, took down over 20 al-Shabaab fighters, including three key figures, in an airstrike in the Calmadow Mountains on May 26. The operation aimed at halting an imminent attack and left several others wounded.

The following day, the Northeastern State government challenged this statement. Minister of Information Mohamud Ayidi Dirir insisted that Northeastern State forces were in control of the area, disputing the federal government’s claim of conducting the strike due to their alleged lack of capability. While explosions indeed occurred, Northeastern State denied any involvement by the federal government.

The Northeastern State Ministry of Information released a formal declaration rejecting the federal government’s version of events and reiterating their competence in maintaining the region’s security. They reiterated their dedication to eradicating terrorist organizations in the area.

Deputy Minister of Information Abdirahman Yusuf Al-Addaala had previously announced that the federal government, supported internationally, launched the strike to target top al-Shabaab leaders in Northeastern State. He noted that the militants had regrouped in eastern Northeastern State following losses in Galmudug and Hirshabelle.

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