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Ethiopia Announces Three Days of Mourning After Fatal Landslide

Ethiopia Embarks on Three-Day Mourning to Honor Landslide Victims "The recent, devastating landslide has caused significant heartbreak," noted an Ethiopian official in a somber tone mid-press conference. In light of a disastrous landslide, Ethiopia has proclaimed a national period of grieving lasting three days. The calamity struck with unforgiving force, leaving countless communities grappling with loss and destruction. According to local authorities, the landslide uprooted homes, shattered lives, and claimed an alarming…

Somali Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers Following Fatal Encounter with Al-Shabaab

Somalia's Army Chief Visits Wounded Soldiers After Fierce Battle with Al-Shabaab MOGADISHU, Somalia - Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhydin, the Chief of Defence Forces for the Somali National Army (SNA), paid a visit to soldiers injured in Monday’s violent clash in Southern Somalia. This confrontation involved the army and Al-Shabaab insurgents attempting to seize military outposts. Accompanied by police chief Brigadier Sulub Ahmed Firin, known for his pivotal role in upholding law and order, Major General Muhydin…

Kenya Issues Warning to Ford Foundation Regarding Fatal Anti-Government Protests

Kenya Issues Warning to Ford Foundation Over Lethal Anti-Government Demonstrations In the wake of deadly protests against the government, Kenyan authorities have directed stern words at the Ford Foundation. The violence, sprouting from public dissent, has seen lives lost and chaos erupt, placing the Ford Foundation under the spotlight. Local officials aren't mincing words, questioning the institution’s role and warned of sanctions if connections to the unrest are found. The context stems from escalating tensions over…

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