JOWHAR, Somalia - The Somali authorities took a good grip on the central state of Hirshabelle after main victories in speaker elections, even because the nation strikes in the direction of an important election interval scheduled for this month in all components of Somalia.
Hirshabelle state is electing a brand new chief who will probably be on the helm for the subsequent 4 years, and already elected the regional MPs who took half within the election for speaker on Wednesday in a vote that was intently monitored.…
The UN and AU maintain a gathering with Madobe in regards to the relationship with
MOGADISHU, Somalia - The United Nations and the African Union Mission in Somalia held a gathering with Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe on his relationship with the federal authorities in Somalia only a few days earlier than the nation's extremely anticipated polls.
Madobe, who liberated Kismayo from al-Shabaab in 2012, has disagreed with the Mogadishu administration and has usually accused President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo of plotting to undermine his management, particularly within the troubled Gedo area of…
Sarkaal ka tirsan dowladda hoose ee Gaalkacyo oo toogasho
Dabley hubaysan ayaa xalay waqooyiga Gaalkacyo ku dilay marxuum Cabdinuur Maxamed Cabdulle, oo ka tirsanaa Dowladda Hoose ee magaaladda Gaalkacyo.
Laamaha Amniga Puntland ee Gobolka Mudug, ayaa xaqiijiyay in koox hubaysan oo afka duubtay ay xalay toogasho ku dileen marxuumka, oo ka tirsanaa Waaxda Dhulka Dowladda Hoose ee Gaalkacyo.
Saraakiish waxay sheegeen, in Kooxdii weerarka gaysatay ay goobta isaga baxsadeen, islamarkaana aysan Ciidanka u suurta-gelin in gacanta lagu soo…
the amended constitutional document approved by the authorities
The Sudanese authorities approved the constitutional document in its new amended version earlier this week. According to the Official Journal of the European Union, this document extends the transition period by approximately fourteen months. The text was signed in August 2019 between the Forces for Freedom and Change and the Military Council. He is supposed to steer the transition period, which will…
Nin ku guulaystay mid ka mid ah Golaha Wakiilada Maraykanka
David Andahl ayaa u dhintay safmareenka halista ah ee Coronavirus ka dib markii uu ku guuleystay xubinimada Golaha Wakiilada gobolka North Dakota ee waddanka Mareykanka, sidda ay qortay CNN.
Sidda ku xusan warbixinta, David Andahl oo 55-jir ahaa, ayaa kusoo baxay mid kamida labada kursi ee degmada 8aad. Saaxibkiis ay xisbiga Jamhuuriga kawada tirsan yihiin Dave Nehring ayaa wehliya.
Nasiib darro, Andahl oo ahaa ganacsade leh beer weyn ayaa 5-tii October wuxuu u dhintay Covid-19…
Martin Ziguélé (RCA): “I can speed up the return to peace and security in our country”
The presidential candidate on December 27, Martin Ziguélé, intends to influence the vote in the Central African Republic. Former Prime Minister Martin Ziguélé has long been critical of the Khartoum peace accords and the current election process. Despite these limitations, the leader of the Central African People's Liberation Movement (MLPC) intends to run for office.
Saraakiil ka socota Ghana oo lagu soo dhaweeyay Muqdisho si
Magaaladda Muqdisho ee caasimadda wadanka waxaa soo gaaray 147 sarkaakiil Boolis ah oo dowladda Ghana u soo dirtay Soomaaliya, si ay uga mid noqdaan howlgalka Nabad Ilaalinta Midowga Afrika (AMISOM) ee Soomaaliya.
Ciidamadan ayaa lagu sheegay in ay ka caawinayaan booliska Soomaaliya ilaalinta nabadda iyo kala dambeynta gaar ahaan deegaanadda maamulka Koofur Galbeed Soomaaliya.
War ka soo baxay Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya ayaa lagu sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay soo…
opening of a forum for reconciliation between communities in Niono
This Thursday, November 5, 2020 in the morning, opens a forum on reconciliation between communities in Niono in central Mali.
At the initiative of the government, many community actors, but also representatives of the Malian state, will work for four days to try to find a solution to the problems that have plagued the area for…
Maxay tahay shaqada guddiga Doorashada iyo Xallinta
Raysul Wasaaraha xukuumada federalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa magacaabay Guddiyada Doorashooyinka iyo Xallinta iyo Khilafaadka ee heer Federaal.
Guddiyadan oo ka kooban 25 xubnood oo ah guddiga doorashada iyo 21 xubnood oo ah guddiga xallinta khilaafaadka doorashada ayaa la magacaabay kadib markii dowlad goboleedyadu soo dhameystireen xubnihii u matali lahaa.
Guddiyadan ayaa waxa ay maamulidoonaan doorashooyinka xildhibaanada aqalka hoose oo dhawaan ka…
Assaults on colleges are growing within the English areas of Cameroon
Following the capturing that killed eight college students within the city of Kumba ten days in the past, 4 extra assaults occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday with out casualties. On Wednesday night time, November 4, the federal government condemned these "disagreeable and cowardly" actions aimed toward "deterring mother and father from sending their youngsters to high school and creating psychosis inside…