QM oo Soomaaliya u sheegtay war ka duwan kii ay

Nairobi (Axadle) –  Qaramada Midoobey ayaa todobaadkan sheegtay in aysan wax lacag ah u heyn abaarta ka jirta Soomaaliya, xilli la filayey inay malaayiin dollar ku deeqdo gurmadka abaaraha. Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sababta ku sheegtay inay tahay in caalamka iyo hey’adihii bixin jiray lacagaha ay ku mashquulsan yihiin dagaalka uu Ruushka kusoo qaaday Ukrain. Ergayga Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Soomaaliya arrimaha bani’aadnimada Adam Abdelmoula oo…

Wasiir Cabdisaciid: Xukunkii ICJ ee Soomaaliya iyo

Antalya (Axadle) – Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Cabdisaciid Muuse Cali oo Madasha Diblomaasiyadda Antalya ee Turkey uga qeyb-galay dood ku saabsan muran xuduudeedka badda ayaa mar kale ka hadlay kiiska badda ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya. Cabdisaciid ayaa sheegay in soo gaba-gebeyntii kiiska badad Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ay tusaale u noqon doonto muranada mustaqbalka ee xuduudaha badda…

Maxay Rooble iyo Qoor Qoor uga dhigan tahay sida

Gaalkacyo (Axadle) – Galmudug ayaa xalay sii deysay guddiga soo xulayo ergada dooraneysa saddexda kursi ee ugu adag kuraasta ku dhiman magaalada Gaalkacyo. Lix kursi oo Golaha Shacabka ah ayaa weli ku dhiman axadle Mudug, sadddexda kursi ee xalay guddigooda la shaaciyey waxaa la dooran doonaa maalinta Berri ah, iyadoo musharixiinta ay maanta qaateen shahaadada musharaxnimada. Kursiga sida weyn isha loogu wada-hayey wuxuu ahaa Kursiga HOP#069.…

Maamul goboleedkii ugu horeeyey oo dhaqangeliyey

Baydhabo (Axadle) – Guddiga SEIT ee Koonfur Galbeed ayaa soo saaray jadwalka doorashada todobadii kursi ee u dambeysay guud ahaan xubnaha Golaha Shacabka, gaar ahaan kuwa deegaan doorashadooda ay tahay Baydhabo iyo Baraawe. Guddiga ayaa sheegay in isla maanta la shaacinayo guddiyada soo xulaya ergada todobada kursi oo kala ah HOP#204, HOP#197, HOP#179, HOP#172, HOP#164, HOP#181 & HOP#047. Qoraalka ayaa sidoo kale lagu shaaciyey in…

Journalists blocked from covering elections in Somalia

MOGADISHU (AXADLE) Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) and Somali Media Association (SOMA) condemn the restrictions and blockade of independent media and journalists seeking to observe and report on the process of indirect elections in Somalia; and expresses serious concern at the repression and threats against journalists dealing with allegations of irregularities, harassment of candidates and looting of seats in Mogadishu and in the federal Member States. Journalists in Mogadishu, Hirshabelle,…

Journalists in five regions of Somalia benefit from Canada-backed media freedom and security training

MOGADISHU (AXADLE) Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) has completed the fourth round of a series of trainings to improve the safety and security of Somali journalists and media freedom with support from the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) in Baidoa, South West Somalia. The training program, which ran from July 2021 to February 2022, has benefited more than 90 local journalists in five regions of Somalia: Banadir, Hirshabelle, Puntland, Galmudug and South West State. Almost 40% of the…

Germany is allocating 20 million euros to the FAO to help people in need in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia

NAIROBI (AXADLE) Germany is providing € 20 million in aid through the United Nations to alleviate the suffering of the ongoing severe drought in parts of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. Following a historic drought, the UN estimates that around 13 million people are at risk of starvation. In Somalia, 1.4 million people are estimated to be displaced due to the current drought, and 7.7 million, half of the population, are in need of humanitarian assistance. There has been almost no rainfall in…

Turkish-trained Somali police attack independent journalists covering al-Shabaab attack in Mogadishu

MOGADISHU (AXADLE) Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) and Somali Media Association (SOMA) deplore the brutal attack by the Turkish-trained Haramcad police force against journalists covering militant attacks in Mogadishu on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Around 9am on Wednesday, a group of local journalists went to report car bombing and gunfire at several police stations and security checkpoints in Somalia's capital Mogadishu the night before. According to the journalists and the photos from the…

Southwest elects seven MPs in Barawe

MOGADISHU (AXADLE) - The southwestern state has today elected seven lawmakers amid mortar shelling that killed at least one person. MOGADISHU (AXADLE) - The southwestern state has today elected seven lawmakers amid mortar shelling that killed at least one person.According to the polling station, two women were elected at the exercise.The following persons were elected as Members of Parliament today in Barawe: 1. Salim Alihow Ibrow 2. Yusuf Adan Mohamed 3. Maryan Mohamed Ali 4. Hussein Ali Haji 5. Abdullahi Omar Abshir…

AU appoints new diplomat to replace the expelled AU envoy

ADDIS ABABA (HORNOB SERVANT) - Mrs Fiona Lortan has been appointed Deputy Special Representative of the President of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) just months after Somalia declared its predecessor Simon Mulongo a persona non by ordering him to leave the country before seven days. In a statement, the African Union Commission for Political Affairs, Peace and Security said that the new AU Special Representative was, until her current appointment, Acting Director of Conflict Management in the Political Affairs Peace…

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