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East Africa

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Two convicted in Kenya over Westgate Mall assaults and hyperlinks

NAIROBI, Kenya - Two males have been crushed with harsh sentences by a court docket in Nairobi after prosecutors proved past affordable doubt that they labored carefully with Somalia-based Al-Shabaab militants who've been wreaking havoc throughout East Africa for the previous 14 years. A decide in Nairobi jailed the 2 for 18 and 33 years, respectively, simply over a month after they have been convicted of planning and finishing up the 2013 Westgate Mall assault, one of many lethal raids by militants on Kenyan soil.…

AU forces practice SNA and Jubaland forces in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The African Union Mission Forces in Somalia accomplished two days of coaching for the Jubaland Forces and the Somali Nationwide Military Friday, which centered on worldwide humanitarian legislation, human rights and gender guidelines, one thing that has been happening for months. Jubaland forces and the Somali Nationwide Military have struggled with work ethic for a number of years, and the 2 have usually clashed within the Gedo area, the place the Somali federal authorities is keen to…

Trump “breast-pounding” to dam Somali refugees from

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump continued his anti-immigration coverage within the last stretch of his campaigns, just below three days earlier than hundreds of thousands of voters in America go to the polls to decide on the one who will run for president, as Trump's first time period finish. President Trump, who has usually been accused of being racist, faces stiff competitors from former Vice President Joe Biden, who served as Barack Obama's assistant for eight years. The 2 will meet on Tuesday subsequent…

Magufuli declared winner, opposition condemns fraud

The Tanzanian Electoral Commission declared John Magufuli, a candidate for another five-year term, the winner of Friday night's presidential election. But the opposition accuses the authorities of massive fraud. Several observers have also harshly criticized these oppressive choices. The new president of Zanzibar, Hussein Ali Mwinyi, on the podium, said he was ready to work for reconciliation with the opposition. With 76% of the vote, a president of the semi-autonomous region with such a high score had never been elected,…

High officers who “forcibly occupy” orphaned homes

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Two high-ranking Somali authorities officers have been accused of illegally occupying a home belonging to orphans within the capital, Mogadishu, an enormous blow to President Farmajo's efforts to reform the nation's authorized system Horn of Africa. Based on the household, the brand new Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Catastrophe Administration of Somalia's Federal Authorities Khadija Mohamed Diriye and the second Deputy, Speaker of Parliament, Mahad Abdala Awad, have seized the…

South Sudan, Uganda blame one another after border incident

A border incident between South Sudan and Uganda on Thursday triggered clashes between armies within the two nations. Based on Juba, 4 troopers, two from every nation, have been killed. A South Sudanese soldier was reportedly captured. as reported from Nairobi, Sebastien NemethSouth Sudanese and Ugandans are pointing fingers…

report indicates many problems in the management of Covid-19 funds

A dozen files of reports of embezzlement linked to Covid funds raised by the state have already been sent to the independent anti-corruption office. The number of them will increase significantly in the coming weeks. A still-confidential study, conducted by a coalition of civil society organizations working on the transparency of the funds allocated to combat the pandemic, lists a whole range of…

several opponents arrested after a controversial election

The first results of the presidential, legislative and local elections in Tanzania began to fall on Thursday (October 29). The candidates for power are almost all victorious. Several members of the opposition have been arrested after demonstrating against these results, which they do not recognize. Internationally, the credibility of the vote is being questioned, especially in Washington.…

the opposition rejects election results in advance

On October 28, 29 million voters were urged to vote in Tanzania for presidential, legislative and local elections. President John Magufuli is running for another five-year term. When the results began to be given by the election commission on Thursday, the opposition said it would not recognize them. as reported from the…

Distinguish between freedom of speech and offenses in opposition to

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Federal Authorities of Somalia deeply regrets any violation of the religion and holiness of the Muslim individuals, together with insults to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) beneath the pretext of freedom of speech. In line with worldwide requirements, all non secular shrines have to be revered and guarded in the identical method, particularly those that are significantly delicate to Islam. Any motion that harms the emotions of Muslims will serve the pursuits of extremist teams. Subsequently,…

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