Somali Envoy to Turkey Joins Discussions to Boost Economic Ties Between Turkey and East Africa

ANKARA (AX) — Somali Ambassador to Turkey, Fathudin Ospite, joined a gathering of East African envoys in Ankara on Friday. They convened to explore ways to boost economic and trade connections between Turkey and the East African region.

Somalia, which recently became a member of the East African regional bloc, was officially welcomed into the fold during this meeting.

The ambassadors emphasized the need to intensify their bonds with Turkey, especially focusing on trade and economic cooperation.

In recent years, Turkey has been proactive in supporting East African development. Notably, in 2015, Turkey joined the East African Community (EAC) Partnership Fund as an observer. Since then, Turkey has partaken in significant EAC Partnership Fund discussions, aiding in regional development projects.

Moreover, Turkey has broadened its ties beyond East Africa by signing defense pacts with several African nations including Somalia, Libya, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Ghana.

These defense agreements have brought lucrative contracts to Turkey’s defense industry, especially for its dependable and cost-effective drones, significantly bolstering Turkey’s presence and sway across the continent.

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