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Headlines: Expansion of Humanitarian Truce in the East

Extended Cease-Fire and Rising Tensions in Africa "The cease-fire scheduled to conclude this Friday is now extended by 15 days, until August 3," declared the US State Department, as reported by AfricaNews. The Congolese website elaborated that the extension comes amid accusations of ceasefire violations by Rwandan rebels. Kinshasa officials stated, "Since Monday, these rebels have killed about ten civilians on Congolese soil." observed, "Despite global efforts, notably by the United States, the…

Global action needed on hunger crisis in East Africa (Oxfam)

In tonight's edition: Widespread hunger across East Africa could become 'a disaster' without funds for the region's most vulnerable communities, aid agency Oxfam warns. Droughts in the region also affect water security. As the World Water Forum continues, Dakar researchers say a holistic approach is needed for change. And we are heading to DR Congo to the rehabilitation center of Lwiro where traumatized monkeys are treated.

The textile industry pollutes rivers in East Africa

African rivers are polluted by the development of the textile industry on the continent. It is NGO Water Witness who sounded the alarm in a report published on August 17 and which is based on case studies in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Lesotho. Wastewater emissions are the most important source of pollution in the…

The USA removes Sudan from the terrorist checklist when Trump rushes to satisfy the Center East plan

US President Donald Trump, who apparently by no means realized the seriousness of the presidency's obligations throughout his four-year time period, takes his final breath earlier than handing over the keys to the White Home to President-elect Joe Biden. With lower than a month left in workplace, Trump is in a rush to satisfy his one-sided plan for the Center East with numerous diplomatic stimuli to convey Israel and the Arab states collectively. Shortly after the White Home introduced an settlement,…

a journalist disappeared after an attack attributed to the ADF in the east

The army has confirmed that he is dead, but his body is still missing, because no one saw him and the army itself did not bring him back to us. According to a survivor we contacted, when the ADF entered the village of Kassoussou, they not only killed, but also took some people hostage, including our journalist. And since the looted shops, the hostages must be used to transport the loot. So he was also among those who carried. Ricardo Rupande,…

angry movement at the largest hospital in East Africa

Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, went on strike on Monday, September 28th. The employees of this company, which employs 5,000 people, are demanding wage increases. But several tragedies brought the case to court. Yesterday, a special court ordered the suspension of the movement. Collected by the hundreds in the courtyard of the hospital, employees ask where their money is. They demand the application of a decision by Parliament dating back to 2012, which had changed the pay categories and should lead to an…

The peace caravan continues its journey in the battered east of the DRC

The last straight line of the peace caravan led for a week in the troubled provinces east of the country by a delegation of national deputies and the Congolese defense minister. Yesterday, the delegation arrived in Kalemie, Tanganyika province, where clashes between pygmy militias and Luba have been repeated. A peace mission of course, but not in a timely manner according to civil society. Visits to the ADF's rebel shrines, briefings at the army headquarters and meetings with local authorities and civil society continue…

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