5 Effective Dance Moves to Burn Belly Fat

It’s no secret that the dancers you see on TV and online are all in amazing physical shape. Studies show that dance classes can improve cardio, improve balance and coordinationand increase mental health. But beyond their many health benefits, dance workouts are a fun and dynamic way to inject variety into your workout routine. That’s why we talked to Kyrie Furr, CPTa certified personal trainer and performance coach with Barbend, who lays out the top five dance moves to melt belly fat and boost your energy levels.

“These dance sessions combine fun with exercise, helping to target belly fat while improving cardiovascular health and overall muscle tone,” says Furr. Dancing offers more than just a good time; it’s also a powerful full-body workout to burn calories and shed unwanted belly fat. Incorporating the right dance routine into your routine can engage your entire body and raise your heart rate to help burn calories and melt away stubborn pounds in your midsection.

So whether you’re aiming to spice up your exercise routine or want a new way to burn calories, the following workouts are the solution you need. Now let’s explore the top five dance moves to help you melt belly fat and keep it off for good.

1. Zumba

What you need: Just your body and lots of energy! Zumba is a high-energy dance workout that mixes Latin and international music with dance moves that raise your heart rate and engage your core muscles.

“Zumba is designed to be a fun, high-intensity workout that helps burn calories and reduce body fat, including belly fat,” explains Furr.

The routine:

  • Basic Salsa Steps: Walk side to side while moving your hips and adding arm movements to the rhythm.
  • Merengue March: March in place with a rhythmic twist of the hips to target your lower abs and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Reggaeton Squat: Perform squats to a reggaeton beat and add hip twists as you stand up. This move targets your lower body and engages your core.


  1. Perform the basic salsa step for 1 to 2 minutes.
  2. Transition to Merengue March for 1 minute.
  3. Finish with Reggaeton Squats for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  4. Repeat the circuit 3 to 4 times.

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2. Hip hop dance

What you need: Your body and a love of rhythm. Hip-hop dance training combines energetic movements with rhythm and style, making it a great way to burn calories and tone your abs.

Furr says, “Hip-hop dance is dynamic and energetic, and it’s great for burning calories and toning the body, including the abdominal area.”

The routine:

  • hip hop jump: Jump with alternating knee lifts while pumping your arms to increase your heart rate and engage your core.
  • Slides from side to side: Slide your feet side to side while adding a swinging arm motion to work on your obliques and improve balance.
  • Cross leg movements: Cross your legs in front of each other while doing a quick shuffle step to tone your lower abs and hips.


  1. Perform each move for 1 to 2 minutes.
  2. Rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute between each round.
  3. Repeat the circuit 4 to 5 times.

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3. Ballet fitness

What you need: A sturdy chair or barre for balance.

“Ballet-inspired workouts combine grace and strength, helping to build muscle and reduce fat around the belly,” says Furr.

The routine:

  • Pleated Squats: Stand with your feet turned out and perform deep squats, squeezing your core as you rise to target your thighs and abs.
  • Tendu leg lift: Extend one leg forward or to the side and lift it while maintaining a tight core to strengthen your lower abs.
  • Ballet jump: Perform small, controlled jumps, focusing on engaging your abs and maintaining proper posture.


  1. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds to 1 minute.
  2. Rest briefly between exercises.
  3. Repeat the routine 3 to 4 times, increasing the intensity over time.

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4. Fitness dance

What you need: Just your body and an upbeat playlist.

“Cardio training is fast-paced and designed to keep your heart rate elevated, which is great for total fat loss,” notes Furr.

The routine:

  • Dance with high knees: Run in place while lifting your knees and swinging your arms to engage your core and burn calories.
  • Dance Twists: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and twist your torso side to side with a quick rhythm to target your obliques and slim your waist.
  • Step touch with arm circles: Step to the side and touch one foot while making large arm circles to engage your core and improve coordination.


  1. Perform High-Knees for 1 minute, followed by Dance Twists for 30 seconds.
  2. Transition to Step Touch with arm circles for 1 minute.
  3. Rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  4. Repeat the circuit 4 to 5 times.

Here’s how often you really need to do cardio to lose belly fat

5. K-Pop Dance

What you need: A space to move freely and your favorite K-pop playlist! K-pop dance routines are known for their intricate choreography and high energy, which effectively burn fat and tone your stomach.

“K-pop dance is energetic and engaging, making it a fun way to burn calories and tone your midsection,” says Furr.

The routine:

  • K-pop Body Rolls: Perform gentle body rolls while incorporating arm movements to engage your core and tone your midsection.
  • Quick Footwork: Perform fast, precise footwork with frequent changes of direction to increase cardiovascular endurance and engage your abs.
  • Hip Shakes and Shimmy: Incorporate hip shakes and shimmies into your routine to engage your lower abs and make exercise more enjoyable.


  1. Perform each move for 1 to 2 minutes.
  2. Rest for 30 seconds between exercises.
  3. Repeat the routine four to five times for a complete K-pop dance session.

Adam Meyer, RHN

Adam is a health writer, certified holistic nutritionist and 100% plant-based athlete. Read more about Adam

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