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East Africa

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Fatal Blast at Hormuud Telecom in Somalia claims Six Lives

An explosion in Somalia has tragically resulted in the death of six employees of Hormuud Telecom, the largest telecommunications company in the country. The incident occurred on the outskirts of Mogadishu, the capital city, when a remote-controlled landmine detonated near the workers' vehicle as they traveled from Garas-Balay to Elasha Biyaha. The identities of the deceased workers are as follows: 1. Hussein Maalim Abdi Weheliye 2. Mohamed Abdulle Wardhere 3. Mohamed Ahmed Wehliye (Gabashey) 4. Abdikarim Osman Abdi 5.…

Tanzania pledges backing for Somalia’s bold security plan

In a groundbreaking move, Tanzania has pledged to support Somalia's security strategy to combat the ongoing threat of Al-Shabaab. President Samia Suluhu Hassan praised Somalia's efforts to restore peace and security within its borders and promised continued support in international forums to promote stability. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and President Hassan expressed their commitment to working together on issues of mutual interest during Hassan Sheikh's state visit to Tanzania, coinciding with the country's 60th…

Massive Arrests of US University Students Amid Growing Gaza Protest Uprisings

Law enforcement was present in full strength, utilizing chemical irritants and Tasers to disband the students, as more colleges joined the movement.A poster was visible as individuals rallied at the University of Southern California (USC) in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza .Hundreds of students have faced arrest at various universities in the US as demonstrators persist in demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and the cessation of support for Israel's prolonged conflict with the Palestinian territory.Police were heavily…

Kenyan authorities apprehend notorious Al-Shabaab leader in high-stakes operation

Kenya has successfully apprehended a notorious Al-Shabaab member, Mustakima Mohammed Ali, also known as Abu Mahir. This significant breakthrough marks a major milestone in the ongoing battle against violent extremism in the region. Mustakima was captured by alert security personnel while traveling on the Lamu-Malindi Highway. He had been orchestrating terror activities that resulted in countless casualties and destruction in Kenya. The authorities had been actively pursuing him for his involvement in the killings of a…

Landmine Explosion Near Mogadishu Claims Lives of Six Hormuud Telecom Staff Members

In the outskirts of Mogadishu, within Garasbaaley's bounds, a tragic event unfolded on a somber Sunday afternoon. A landmine detonated, claiming the lives of six individuals employed by Hormuud Telecommunication Company. Hormuud Telecom, a titan in Somalia's telecommunications landscape, articulated the incident as a calculated assault, emblematic of a continuum of hostilities waged against the nation's commercial enterprises. Eluding direct finger-pointing, the corporation left the perpetrator unnamed, and so far, silence…

British Lawmaker Expelled from Djibouti for Criticizing China: A Bold Stand Against Suppression

Tim Loughton, a Tory lawmaker with a history of challenging China’s policies, experienced a controversial detainment and expulsion in Djibouti, reflecting the nation's solid alliance with Beijing. Representing East Worthing and Shoreham since the twilight of the 20th century, Loughton found himself in a tight spot at the airport earlier in the month, denied entry and earmarked for an immediate return flight. In 2021, the Middle Kingdom slapped sanctions on Loughton and six other parliamentary figures for allegedly…

Global Investors Target Somalia’s Abundant Resources and Booming Economy

On April 24, 2024, Mohamud Beenebeene, the Minister of Planning, Investment, and Economic Development, heralded a significant gathering. | Photo: X/ @MoPIED_SomaliaThe assembly beckoned a diverse crowd: international and domestic magnates, dealmakers, savants, hustlers, and expatriate allies of Somalia, all united to weave networks and chase opportunities for investment and the economic resurrection of their homeland.In Mogadishu, Somalia's pulsing heart, a two-day investment summit commenced on Wednesday, summoning global…

Kenya Captures Top Al-Shabaab Militant on Most-Wanted List

MOGADISHU, Somalia - In a pivotal move, Kenya's elite security forces apprehended a top-tier Al-Shabaab figure, as verified by insiders. This capture marks a significant milestone in combating radical militancy. The dragnet ensnared Mustakima Mohammed Ali, also known as Abu Mahir, on the Lamu-Malindi road. He orchestrated deadly assaults, wreaking havoc across Kenya, claiming both lives and property. Prior to his capture, Mustakima's name topped the list of sought-after Al-Shabaab agents, tagged "dead or alive" for…

Somali Authorities Launch In-Depth Investigation into Corruption Within U.S.-Supported Elite Danab Forces

After revealing some disturbing news, Somalia's Defense Ministry declared it would dig into why grub meant for troops went astray, signaling a wave of military clean-up efforts. "In the midst of this scrutiny, our own Somali National Armed Forces coughed up intel about Danab chow getting side-tracked within one of our squads. The FGS is dead serious about sorting this mess and has kicked off inquiries lickety-split, leading to some officers getting benched and locked up to keep things square and above board." Whispers in…

Reviving Ancient Wisdom: African Farmers Embrace Tradition and Innovation to Combat Climate Change

In Machakos, Kenya, farmers are adopting climate-smart beans to combat climate change. From ancient farming techniques in Zimbabwe to modern greenhouse technology in Somalia, African farmers are adapting to the challenges posed by a changing climate. Africa, home to the world's youngest population, is disproportionately affected by climate change despite contributing little to the problem. As a result, farmers are under pressure to feed the growing population. Despite having more than 60% of the world's uncultivated…

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