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East Africa

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Israel’s Authorities Vigilant Against Potential ICC Arrest Warrants for Gaza Conflict

The ICC has not hinted at imminent arrest warrants or commented on the recent claims. Israeli officials have mentioned an ICC inquiry initiated three years ago into possible war crimes committed by Israel and Palestinian fighters since the 2014 Israel-Hamas conflict. The probe also focuses on Israel's establishment of settlements in occupied areas like the West Bank. 'Senior Israeli officials have asked for guarantees from the ICC that Israel will not be singled out, suggesting any action might be construed as…

Farmers in Africa Embrace Traditional and Modern Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation

In Machakos, Kenya, farmers select climate-smart beans. Amidst drought in Zimbabwe, traditional farming methods are being revived. Organic fertilizers are used to combat poor soil fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. Drought-resistant crops are gaining popularity, replacing exotic white corn. The transition to greenhouse farming is providing sustainable livelihoods in Somalia. A climate-smart bean variety named "Nyota" is helping Kenyan farmers increase their yields. The new bean assures quick maturation even in times of…

Kenya Bolsters Crisis readiness Amid Devastating Floods Claiming 50 Lives

In the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, locals aid a woman through floodwaters post-heavy rains on April 24, 2024, captured by Joy Nabukewa/Xinhua photo. Addressing the flood crisis, Kenya has amped up its emergency response to tackle the aftermath of torrential downpours causing havoc across the nation. Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua disclosed the establishment of a national multi-agency flood emergency squad and response hub to curb the casualties of the deluge, claiming more than 50 lives. Following a summit chaired by…

Enhanced Visa Restrictions for Ethiopians By EU Due to Government Deportation Impasse

The European Union headquarters announced an extension in visa processing time for Ethiopian citizens, increasing from 15 to 45 days. EU member states are now prohibited from exempting specific paperwork requirements or granting multiple-entry visas. Ethiopian diplomats and officials are now obligated to pay for travel visas.The European Commission, the EU's executive branch, has pledged to leverage visa regulations to pressure countries into cooperating with deportation procedures. Merely one-third of individuals instructed…

Tragic Donkey Cart Explosion Claims Five Lives in Rural Kenya

A tragic incident unfolded in a Kenyan town near Somalia where a bomb hidden on a donkey cart exploded, claiming the lives of five individuals. The culprits responsible for this heinous act have not been identified as of yet, but the location of the blast indicates a likely connection to Al-Shabaab, a notorious Islamist militant group operating in the region. The explosion, triggered by an improvised explosive device (IED), resulted in the death of five individuals and left five others critically injured in Elwak, Mandera…

Upcoming Mediation Talks Between Kenya and South Sudan

President Williams Ruto from Kenya greeted President Salva Kiir in Nairobi on August 19, 2023 (photo by SS presidency). Kenya is set to facilitate negotiations between the South Sudan government and rebel factions in the near future, according to an official statement. Retired army Gen. Lazaro Sumbeiywo, appointed by President William Ruto to oversee the talks with armed and unarmed dissident groups in South Sudan, expressed optimism about the peace process. "Our talks with President Salva Kiir were productive. Mediation is…

Somalia’s Defense Minister Acknowledges US-Trained Danab Officers Engaged in Food Ration Resale Scandal

Somalia's Minister of Defense has admitted that officers from the US-trained Danab Special Forces were involved in the sale of food rations that were donated by the US government. The theft was confirmed two weeks ago, and some officers were caught in the act a week ago. Multiple officers have been arrested in connection to the theft. The Minister did not disclose the exact number of people detained but confirmed that the rations were sold in the market. The government made a statement regarding the incident and promised to…

Tanzania Commits to Strengthening Somalia’s Military and Safeguarding National Security

Tanzania aims to support Somalia, the newest member of the East African Community. President Samia Suluhu Hassan is committed to boosting bilateral trade with Somalia, as part of her ongoing efforts to strengthen ties with East Africa. A report from The Citizen, a Tanzanian newspaper, reveals that President Samia Hassan pledged to aid Somalia in defense and security. She announced this during a press conference at the State House in Dar es Salaam on April 27, following a meeting with Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud,…

Deadly Al-Shabaab Bombing Claims 12 Lives in Kenya

EL-WAK - A bomb attack orchestrated by Al-Shabaab militants using an improvised explosive device carried by a donkey rocked El-Wak town, resulting in the tragic deaths of 12 individuals near an Equity Bank branch, as eyewitnesses recounted. Among the casualties were confirmed to be 10 non-local Christians and 2 Muslims, reports from various sources suggested a deliberate targeting of non-locals by the assailants who were mainly teachers and healthcare workers. Information gathered points to the explosive device being…

Somali Government Ramps Up Vaccination Campaign, Aims to Reach 1.5 Million Children by 2024

In the heart of Mogadishu, the Somali authorities are poised to inoculate 1.5 million children, encompassing both undosed youngsters and those yet to finish their vaccine regimen, now including kids up to the age of five. At a recent gathering to mark World Immunization Week in the same city, Health Minister Dr. Ali Haji Aden unveiled plans to introduce Pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines within the year. Pneumococcal vaccines fend off grave illnesses like pneumonia and meningitis, while rotavirus vaccines combat the…

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