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Western Sahara

Algeria is recalling the Spanish ambassador to Madrid

Algeria has recalled its ambassador to Spain in protest of Madrid's support for a Moroccan plan to give Western Sahara autonomy. The former Spanish colony is disputed between Morocco and the Algeria-backed independence movement Polisario Front. Algeria condemned Spain's "abrupt U-turn" and said in an official statement on Saturday that Spain had previously shown neutrality in the protracted conflict over the country. Algeria put its weight behind Polisario after Morocco's annexation of Western Sahara…

why does Spain cease its neutrality?

On Saturday, March 19, Algiers recalled its ambassador to Spain for "consultation". A sign of protest after the support shown for Rabat's self-government plan in the issue of Western Sahara. By violating its traditional neutrality, Spain evokes contrasting…

Changing attitude, Spain supports Moroccan rule

Spain paved the way on Friday for a solution to a dispute over Western Sahara, which has been claimed by Morocco for almost 50 years, suggesting that making the region operate autonomously under Rabat's rule is "the most serious, realistic and credible" initiative. . This marked a huge departure from Spain's previous position to regard Morocco's grip on Western Sahara as an occupation. The shift followed months of frosty diplomatic relations and led to the announcement of a flurry of visits by Spanish…

Algeria breaks off diplomatic relations with Morocco

Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra held a press conference on Tuesday to announce that his country has suspended diplomatic relations with Morocco because of its "hostile actions", a week after Algeria said it would review its relations with neighboring countries. The measure comes after Algeria last week said it would review its relations with Morocco after accusing it of complicity in deadly forest fires that ravaged the north of the country. "Algeria has decided to suspend diplomatic…

The words of a Moroccan official on

Algiers has decided to recall its ambassador to Rabat for consultation. While the two countries are in conflict with the issue of Western Sahara, Algeria has not at all appreciated the Moroccan ambassador's withdrawal from the UN on the right of self-determination for the Kabyle people. It was during a virtual meeting with…

the leader of the Polisario Front is free to leave

Brahim Ghali was heard on Tuesday morning, June 1, 2021, by a judge. The leader of the Saharawi independence movement, which suffers from Covid-19 and cancer, has been treated in Spain since mid-April. He was the subject of two complaints against him in the country, including genocide, illegal detention and torture. The hearing was held in a tense diplomatic context on the issue of Western Sahara, but…

The Polisario Front leader was heard by the courts

As the diplomatic crisis continues between Morocco and Spain, the leader of the Polisario Front, the independent Sarhaoui Brahim Ghali, ill with Covid-19 and cancer, will be heard this Tuesday, June 1, by the judge of the 'National Audience Santiago Pedraz. He will be linked to two complaints against him in Spain. The character is at the heart of the dispute between Rabat and Madrid.…

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