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Kenya oo billowday wadahadallo ay Soomaaliya uga dhaadhicineyso inay ka tanaasusho musharaxnimadeeda Midowga Afrika

 Arbaco, May, 8, 2024 (AX) - Kenya ayaa billowday wadahadallo ay Soomaaliya uga dhaadhicineyso inay ka tanaasusho musharaxnimadeeda guddiga Midowga Afrika, si ay Soomaaliya u taageerto Raila Odinga oo Kenya u sharraxan.Kenya ayaa mowqifkeeda si cad ugu sheegtay, intii lagu guda jiray kulan Talaadadii May 7, dhexmaray Hogaamiye ku xigeenka Kenya Rigathi Gachagua, iyo raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xamse Cabdi Bare oo ku sugan Nairobi.Kenya waxa ay sheegtay inay u ololeyneyso in Soomaaliya ay la baxdo musharaxeeda Fawzia Xaaji…

Escaping Danger: Sudanese Refugees Seek Safety Outside UN Camp in Ethiopia After Brutal Assaults

Over 1,000 Sudanese refugees escaped a United Nations camp in northern Ethiopia due to violence, per refugees and UN sources. Around 7,000 of the 8,000 camp residents fled on foot after being attacked and robbed by local militias. Detained by police after leaving Kumer camp, located 70 km from the Sudanese border in Ethiopia's Amhara region, the refugees remain anonymous for safety. UNHCR confirmed that 1,000 people felt unsafe at Kumer and left due to security incidents on Wednesday. Ethiopian government officials,…

23 Innocent Lives Lost in Somalia Due to Turkish Drone Attack

Reports from Mogadishu, Somalia reveal that 23 civilians lost their lives due to alleged Turkish drone strikes. The Amnesty International organization is calling for immediate investigations into these incidents, which they label as 'crimes against humanity' and war crimes. The tragic events took place on March 18, 2024, resulting in the deaths of 14 children, 5 women, and 4 men belonging to the marginalized Gorgaarte clan. A total of 17 individuals were also injured in the airstrikes. The strikes occurred near Bagdad…

Ruto Urges Somalia to Withdraw Support for AU Commission Candidate in Favor of Raila

Kenya has initiated discussions to convince Somalia to withdraw its candidate from the African Union Commission race in favor of Raila Odinga. The talks took place on Tuesday, May 7, with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Somalia's Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre meeting at Gachagua's Karen residence in Nairobi. Sources suggest that Somalia might comply with Kenya's request to support Raila for the position. Somalia, however, claims to have the backing of the Organisation of Islamic Corporation, which comprises over…

Somali Officials Dismiss Amnesty’s Findings on Civilian Harm in Turkish Drone Strikes

The Somali government refuted the Amnesty International report accusing it of causing civilian deaths in Turkish drone strikes in Lower Shabelle. Deputy Information Minister Abdirahman Adala clarified that the military operations against al-Shabab have not resulted in civilian casualties. Minister Abdirahman Al-Addala assured that the military is vigilant and there have been no civilian casualties in any operation. He mentioned that the government has designated targets for the Turkish drones and conducted follow-up…

Puzzling the Puzzle: Unraveling the Mystery of Staff Arrest at Kenya Airways

Kenya Airways announced that their employees in the Democratic Republic of Congo were freed on Monday following a "misunderstanding" with authorities. Flights to the country, previously suspended, are now set to resume after the release of the staffers. The employees were reportedly detained last month over missing customs documents for valuable cargo. Kenya Airways insists that their employees were innocent in the matter. Allan Kilavuka, the airline's managing director, explained that the cargo consisted of Congolese…

Turkish drones wreak havoc in Somalia, claiming lives of 23 innocent civilians, including children, reports Amnesty International

The global watchdog urged Somalia and Turkey to investigate the incidents for possible "war crimes." Amnesty International accused the Somali government of killing over two dozen civilians using Turkish drones in attacks against Islamist insurgents, potentially constituting war crimes. The London-based organization reported the deaths of 23 civilians, including 14 children and five women, during drone strikes on March 18 in Lower Shabelle, southern Somalia, based on victim and witness accounts, satellite imagery, and medical…

Amnesty oo sheegtay in 23 qof oo rayid ah lagu dilay duqeymo uu Turkiga ka geystay Soomaaliya

 Arbaco, May, 8, 2024 (AX) - Amnesty International ayaa sheegtay in 23 qof oo rayid ah lagu dilay labo weerar oo ka dhacay Soomaaliya oo loo adeegsaday diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha lahayn ee Bayraktar TB-2 oo ay samaysay shirkadda Turkiga ee Baykar, taasoo ay sheegtay in laga yaabo inay noqoto dambiyo dagaal.Amnesty waxay sheegtay in weerarradaas oo dhacay 18 March 2024, lala beegsaday dad rayid ah oo u badan carruur iyo haween, kuwaas oo ka soo jeeda qabiilka Gorgaarte ee la hayb sooco.Dadka deegaanka ayaa Amnesty u sheegay…

Prime Minister Barre Urges Somali Business Leaders in Kenya to Drive Economic Growth and Innovation in Somalia

Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre recently convened with Somali entrepreneurs in Nairobi to discuss their crucial role in the nation's rejuvenation. Barre emphasized the various prospects and hurdles associated with Somali governance and underscored the government's commitment to the Somali state-building process. Encouraging Somali business owners in Kenya to contribute to enhancing investments and spearheading initiatives that drive employment opportunities for the Somali youth. "I urge entrepreneurs to invest in our…

Raysal Wasaare Xamse oo magaalada Nairobi kulan kula qaatay ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Kenya

 Arbaco, May, 8, 2024 (AX) - Raysal wasaaraha Xukuumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya Xamse Cabdi Barre iyo wafdigiisa oo ku sugan magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa halkaas Xalay kulan kula qaatay ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Kenya.Raysal Wasaare Xamse ayaa ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Kenya kala hadlay kaalintooda ku aaddan dib u dhiska iyo horumarka dalka, isagoona warbixin guud ka siiyay xaaladda dalka, fursadaha la heli karo, caqabadaha ku gadaaman dowlad dhisidda iyo dadaalada Xukuumaddiisa ay ku howlan tahay…

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