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Harnessing Tradition and Innovation: African Farmers’ Solutions to Climate Change

James Tshuma, a small farmer, exhibits his homegrown vegetables in his small garden in Mangwe district, Zimbabwe, on March 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi) From ancient farming techniques in Zimbabwe to modern greenhouse technology in Somalia, African farmers are embracing the past and future to address climate change. Africa, with its youthful population, bears the brunt of a warming planet despite having minimal contributions to the issue. Farmers are racing to ensure the growing population has enough to eat.…

Midowga Afrika oo xaqiijiyay in la isku dayay in $6 milyan lagala baxo akoon ay ku leeyihiin Bangi kuyaala Addis Ababa

Khamiis, May, 2, 2024 (AX) - Ururka Midowga Afrika ayaa qirtay in la isku dayay in lacag dhan 6 milyan oo dollar lagala baxo akoonka ay ku leeyihiin bangiga ganacsiga ee Itoobiya (CBE) oo ku yaala magaalada Addis Ababa, balse uu fashilmay isku daygaasi.Waa bayaankii ugu horreeyay oo rasmi ah oo Midowga Afrika uu ku qirto wararka isku daygaas fashilmay. Midowga Afrika waxa uu sheegay in ay ka xun yihiin falkaas.15kii Abriil, ayay ahayd markii amarro kala wareejin ah loo gudbiyay Bangiga Ganacsiga ee Itoobiya, laantooda ku…

KDF Eliminate Six Alleged al Shabaab Militants in Intense Kumba Operation, Lamu County

Patrolling police officers were able to eliminate six suspected members of the al Shabaab terrorist group in an ambush in Kumba, Lamu County. Along with the operation, security forces also seized key supplies that were essential for their activities. The ambush took place in the vast Boni Forest where these terrorists often plan their attacks on Kenyan soil. The Kenya Defence Forces, working alongside a multi-agency team in the region, successfully carried out the ambush, although some of the terrorists managed to escape.…

Diplomatic Summit: Foreign Minister Engages with Somali Counterpart

During the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum in Doha, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Foreign Affairs Minister, met with Somali counterpart Ahmed Moallim Fiqi. They discussed enhancing cooperation and regional developments, including efforts to achieve peace in Gaza and prepare for the upcoming Arab Summit in Bahrain. The ministers highlighted the strong relationship between their nations and explored ways to collaborate for mutual benefit. They also addressed the urgent need to protect civilians, provide…

UAE strongly denounces terrorist assault at Kenya’s northern frontier.

The UAE vehemently denounces the terrorist attack in Mandera County, northern Kenya, resulting in casualties among innocent individuals. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) released a statement, expressing strong disapproval of these unlawful acts and permanent opposition to violence and terrorism that disrupt security and stability against global norms. The Ministry extended heartfelt condolences and empathy to Kenya's government, citizens, and the bereaved families of the tragic incident, along with hopes for a swift…

Swedish authorities apprehend Somali imam with ties to Islamic State, boosting national security

AX - The Swedish Security Service (Säpo) has officially announced the apprehension of a 60-year-old imam in Tyresö, located south of Stockholm, as a significant development in an ongoing terrorism probe that has captured attention. The imam, connected to the regional Islamic cultural group and its underground mosque, is under suspicion for playing an active role in a terrorist group, amidst growing worries about security within Sweden. Originally from Somalia, the imam has deep roots in the Tyresö community, leading the…

SSC Khatumo Leader Alleges Somaliland’s Aggressive Mobilization for Invasion

In Las Anod, Abdiqadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye, the SSC Khatumo leader, accuses Somaliland of deploying troops and weapons to Oog, hinting at a potential assault on Sool. Tensions rise with SSC Khatumo as the 33rd anniversary of their independence nears. Firdhiye insists that traditional elders in Somaliland should not hide the alleged invasion of SSC territories under the guise of secretive peace talks. He challenges Somaliland elders to confront the invasion and violence perpetrated by Muse Bihi, dismissing their peace…

Kenyan authorities capture notorious Al-Shabaab leader Abu Mahir in strategic Lamu operation

While on a bus from Lamu to Malindi, Mustakima was apprehended by officials after fleeing the Boni Forest due to increased security operations. "The capture of Al-Shabaab members like Mustakima marks a significant win in our battle against terrorism," stated a government representative. "We are fully dedicated to utilizing all resources at our disposal to combat the terrorist threat." The government of Kenya highlighted the success of their efforts against Al-Shabaab in Lamu, resulting in a decrease in terrorist incidents,…

Arab Economic Forum Condemns Ethiopia-Somaliland Port Agreement as a Menace to Regional Peace and Prosperity

In a meeting held in Doha, the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with Central Asian Countries and the Republic of Azerbaijan expressed strong support for Somalia's efforts to maintain its sovereignty on land, sea, and air. The countries' ministers reiterated Somalia's right to defend its territory as outlined in the UN Charter and the Arab League Charter. They stood in solidarity with the Somali government in rejecting the "Memorandum of Understanding" signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland on January 1, 2024. The…

Hoggaamiye Firdhiye: Nabad hoosaasin ah ka qaadan mayno odayaasha ka hadlay magaalada Burco

Arbaco, May, 1, 2024 (AX) - Hoggaamiyaha SSC Khaatumo, Cabdiqaadir Axmed Aw-Cali  Firdhiye, ayaa sheegay in aysan odayaaasha dhaqanka Gobaladda Waqooyi ka qaadan doonin nabadayn hoosaasin ah oo lagu qarinayo sida uu sheegay, duullaanka Soomaliland ay kusoo tahay deegaanada SSC.Firdhiye ayaa u sheegay odayaal Gobaladda Waqooyi ah, kuwaas oo baaq nabadeed soo saaray, in looga baahan yahay, in ay wax ka qabtaan sida uu sheegay, duullaanka iyo colaadda ka dhanka ah SSC, ee uu abaabulayo Muuse Biixi “Burco baaqa aad ka…

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