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Xukumadda Soomaaliya oo beenisay in dad rayid ah lala beegsaday duqeymo ay geysteen diyaaradaha Turkigu

 Arbaco, May, 8, 2024 (AX) - Xukumadda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in aysan jirin wax khasaare oo dad rayid ah oo ka dhashay duqeymo ah ay geysteen diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha lahayn ee Turkiga.Wasiir ku xigeenka warfaafinta Soomaaliya oo ka jawabayay warbixin kasoo baxday hay’adda udoodda xaquuqda Aadanaha ee Amnesty, ayaa sheegay in aanay dawladdu hayn xog dad rayida oo wax ku noqday hawgallada ay ku jirto ee ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab.‘’Hawgallada dabcan ay ciidamadu ku jiraan waddanka oo dhan ayay ka socdaan, annagu waxa aan…

Kenya’s Government Causes Heartache by Destroying Homes in Flood Zones and Providing Mere $75 Aid

The government of Kenya has initiated the destruction of houses built in areas prone to flooding, offering evicted families $75 to relocate after a deadline to evacuate. In Nairobi, a bulldozer demolished homes while security forces with weapons stood guard and fired tear gas at residents. The government urged thousands of people to vacate flood-prone zones, but many are unsure where to go, despite claims that they were informed of options. Human Rights Watch criticized the government's response as insufficient. Frustrated…

Strengthening Trade and Investment Ties: Kenya and Somalia Pledge to Boost Bilateral Relations.

Kenya and Somalia recently pledged to strengthen their ties and boost trade and investment to improve their economies. During a meeting between Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Somalia's Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre in Nairobi, the two countries discussed cracking down on cartels and promoting fair trade practices for mutual benefit.The visit followed the third Session of the Joint Commission of Cooperation (JCC) held in Nairobi from May 3 to 5, 2024. Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi stated that both leaders…

Forging Bonds: Exploring Turkey’s Interest in the Horn of Africa

A fresh pact between Somalia and Turkey, inked on February 8, 2024, assigns Ankara to oversee maritime security in Somalia by enhancing its naval capabilities and conducting joint exercises along its 3,333km coastline. Alongside, another agreement seeks joint ventures in hydrocarbon exploration both onshore and offshore in Somalia. Under the terms, Turkey would receive 30 percent of the profits from untapped marine resources as part of a strategy to bolster Somalia's security while holding historical significance and…

High-Risk Areas Urged to Brace for Severe Weather with SODMA Alerts

In a recent announcement, the Somali government warned of potential disturbances in multiple regions over the next ten days. The Somali National Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) raised concerns about heavy rains leading to severe flooding. From May 7th to May 16th, 2024, regions like Hiiraan, Gedo, Jubba, and Middle Shabelle are expected to experience significant rainfall, posing risks to both people and animals. Specific areas like Dolow, Luuq, Bu'ale, Jilib, Beledweyne, Bula-burde, Jalalaqsi, Mahaday, Jowhar, and Balcad…

Empowering Somalia: WFP Launches $228 Million Campaign to Combat Hunger and Improve Nutrition

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) is urgently in need of $228 million to amplify its humanitarian operations in Somalia to combat widespread food shortages and malnutrition affecting millions. Securing this funding is crucial for the period spanning from April to September of this year, with a staggering $208 million needed for life-saving interventions. Recent evaluations depict an alarming scenario where approximately 3.4 million individuals will grapple with acute food scarcities between April and June. There…

Heroic Rescue: 200 Somali and Ethiopian Migrants Saved from Trafficking Operation in Libya

In the city of Mogadishu, about 200 migrants mainly from Somalia and Ethiopia were rescued from a trafficking ring in a town in southeastern Libya. The army's spokesperson, Walid Alorafi, revealed that the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) carried out the operation and found migrants, including women, children, and older adults, who showed signs of torture and gunshot wounds. These migrants were discovered in a secret location in Kufra village, where they had been kept captive for up to seven months with hopes of…

Xukumaddaha Soomaaliya iyo Kenya oo Maanta shir laba geesood ah ku yeeshay magaalada Nairobi

 Talaado, May, 7, 2024 (AX) - Raysal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Xamse Cabdi Barre ayaa maanta khudbad ka jeediyay shir laba geesoodka ah oo u dhexeeyay dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Kenya oo ka dhacay magaalada Naitobi ee Caasimada dalka Kenya.Shirkaan laba geesoodka ah waxaa ka qeyb galay xubno ka socday labada dowladood oo ay kala hoggaaminayeen Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xamse Cabdi Barre iyo madaxweyne ku xigeenka dalka Kenya Rigathi Gachagua, wuxuuna ahaa mid daba socday heshiisyadii ay shalay kala…

Ethiopia Firmly Stands Against Recognizing North Western of Somalia: A Definitive Position

Ethiopian Authorities Refuse Recognition of North Western of Somalia In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia officials deny plans to acknowledge North Western of Somalia's desire for autonomy, sparking tensions between the two regions. Despite signing a memorandum of understanding in January 2024, the rift between Ethiopia and Mogadishu continues to escalate, raising concerns in the international community. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali and his administration have made it clear that they prioritize Somalia's unity and sovereignty.…

Somali Prime Minister Applauds Successful Bilateral Partnerships with Kenya

In Nairobi, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre praised the recent agreements on political consultations, education, and defense between Somalia and Kenya. These agreements, signed in Nairobi on Monday night, were highlighted at a bilateral meeting in the same city the following day. During the meeting, Barre emphasized the strong historical and fraternal ties between the two nations, as well as the importance of regional cooperation for stability and development in the area. He also underscored Somalia's commitment to actively…

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