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Somali Leader Engages Middle Shabelle Elders in Strategic Dialogue on Anti-Al-Shabab Efforts

Jowhar (AX) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, marking his third day in Middle Shabelle, has engaged with traditional hierarchs and community honchos in Wargadhi's rural environs to deliberate on their anti-al-Shabab endeavors. At the assembly, the President asserted that the federal establishment has marshaled gear, vehicles, military facilities, and armaments to accomplish the task of emancipating the land from al-Shabab insurgents. "The nation's leader scrutinized the military outpost here, which endows the…

Somali Leader Launches Vigorous Offensive Against Al-Shabab in Middle Shabelle

Mogadishu (AX) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud landed in Waragadhi, nestled in the Middle Shabelle region, on Tuesday to spearhead the offensive against al-Shabab in both Hirshabelle and Galmudug territories.Accompanied by his team, President Mohamud huddled with military leaders and local elders, mapping out swift strategies to wrest control from al-Shabab. This past year, he's been entrenched in the battlefront, leading efforts alongside the army to reclaim swathes of land from the militant group.A year ago, top…

Somali National Army Launches Decisive Assault on Al-Shabaab Strongholds in Middle Shabelle

Somali National Army Strikes Against Al-Shabaab in Middle Shabelle MOGADISHU, Somalia - In a decisive hit to Al-Shabaab, the Somali National Army (SNA) successfully obliterated several hidden lairs of the group in the Middle Shabelle area. The recent operation not only dismantled crucial militant infrastructure but also eliminated numerous insurgents and nabbed multiple suspects. The SNA has been staunchly reinforcing its control in the region, aiming to wipe out the lingering terrorist elements. This operation…

Somali Forces Take Command of Middle Shabelle Base: A Milestone in ATMIS Troop Withdrawal

ATMIS Sector Five honcho, Oscal Hatungimana, showered kudos on the tag-team effort of ATMIS forces, Somali troops, locals, and international allies in squaring off against the Al Shabaab insurgents. "This teamwork is key in chipping away Al Shabaab's strength," Hatungimana noted. Ceel Eglow's strategic outpost, helmed by ATMIS folks from Burundi since 2019, has been a linchpin in keeping the key supply routes between Mogadishu and Jowhar safe, aiding both military expeditions and humanitarian missions. This stage of the…

Government Troops Retreat from Critical Hawadley District in Middle Shabelle Province

Jowhar (AX) - On Wednesday, troops and local militias evacuated the neighborhood of Hawadley in the Middle Shabelle region. This locale, freed from al-Shabab's grip last year, holds strategic value along the Shabelle River. Al-Shabab militants have set up camp on the fringes of the village, aiming to seize the prize. In recent hours, these insurgents have ramped up operations in the villages of Shanlow, Dhagaxow, and Farbaraki, all near Hawadley. Hawadley residents dread an imminent skirmish between the rebels and…

Government Troops Encircle Al-Shabaab Militants in Middle Shabelle’s Ruunirgood

Mogadishu (AX) — Security squads in Middle Shabelle encircled Al-Shabaab militants in Ruunirgood on Monday. Their mission: to eject them from fortified positions. An army spokesperson revealed that troops are currently poised in Ruunirgood, awaiting higher-up directives to press forward. A number of Al-Shabaab combatants have reportedly fled their posts in Ruunirgood. Already, the militant group has lost significant territories in Middle Shabelle, regions they dominated for an extended period. Security chiefs are optimistic…

Clan Conflict in Middle Shabelle Claims Life of Somali Police Chief

Juqlawe's demise was announced by General Zakiya Hussein, the second-in-command of the police force. He lost his life trying to negotiate peace among warring factions in the tumultuous Adale District, a region notorious for persistent clan-driven skirmishes. "May the Almighty show us mercy. This morning, Abdulkadir Mohamed Hashi Juqlawe, who led the Dervish Police Union in Middle Shabelle, was slain amid efforts to defuse a violent clash between antagonistic groups," Hussein shared on social media. She remembered Juqlawe as…

Shabelle River Overflows, Triggering Devastating Floods in Beledweyne

In Beledweyne, floods ravaged the town due to heavy rains causing the Shabelle River to overflow, inundating homes and forcing residents to find safety on higher ground. Government warnings about the intense rains urged people to evacuate, yet the flooding still overwhelmed several neighborhoods, leaving houses partially underwater and families displaced. Commissioner of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA), Mahamuud Moallim, discussed with the head of OCHA in Somalia about the coordination of the Humanitarian…

Victorious Beledweyne Locals Brave Through Shabelle River Deluge, Triumphantly Reclaim Their Homes

In Beledweyne, residents affected by recent floods are making their way back home despite the obstacles presented by the floodwaters and debris still lingering. The Shabelle River inundated parts of the city, particularly Kooshin and Hawa Taako, displacing many families. Bundaweyn and Wohlwadaag also saw flooding. Even though the roads are mud-covered and cluttered with debris, some families have decided to return. One resident from the Radar branch of Kooshin shared, "We rather return despite the mess as the places we…

Savage assault on Danab troops in Middle Shabelle leaves casualties in its wake

In Mogadishu, an armed group confronted Danab soldiers near Eel Baraf in Middle Shabelle, resulting in casualties on both sides.The Danab troops, who had left Jowhar and were traveling to Hiraan, clashed briefly with the militias. The exact number of casualties is unclear.The attack appears to be driven by tribal loyalties, as the soldiers were off-duty and returning to Hiraan. This incident highlights a resurgence of clan-based conflicts.This skirmish is part of a series of violent incidents along the Hiraan-Middle Shabelle…

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