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Somali Military Eliminates al-Shabab Operative in Lower Shabelle Conflict Zone

In Mogadishu, Somali military forces successfully eliminated an al-Shabab member known as Abdulkadir Haji Enow during a security operation in Lower Shabelle over the weekend. The leader of the 26th unit of the 6th battalion, Farah Mohamud Hirsi, shared that local residents provided vital information leading to the operation's success. Commander Farah Mohamud affirmed that such operations will persist to eradicate al-Shabab members in Lower Shabelle, but did not disclose the operative's rank within the group. The military…

Somali Forces Mobilize to Suppress Fatal Clan Conflict in Middle Shabelle Region

A significant number of heavily armed troops have been sent to the Middle Shabelle region by the Somali government to address the recent violent clashes between rival clans. Sulub Ahmed Firin, the Commander of the Somali Police Force, announced that the army's mission is to step in and stop the fighting in the villages near Biyo Adde in Middle Shabelle. He directed the police force to secure the area to prevent further loss of lives. More than 30 people, including innocent women and children, lost their lives in the recent…

Nine al-Shabab Extremists Eliminated in Precise Airstrike across Middle Shabelle and Galgadud Areas

Mogadishu (AX) - A recent airstrike carried out by Somali army forces, with support from international allies, resulted in the deaths of at least nine al-Shabab militants in Middle Shabelle and Galgadud regions. According to a statement from the Ministry of Information released on Wednesday, the airstrike targeted areas in Ali Helle and Barag Sheikh Aamir. Four militants were eliminated in Ali Helle, while five others met the same fate in the Barag Sheikh Aamir region. During the operation, the army successfully targeted a…

Shabelle River threatens Beledweyne with floods, displacing 37,000 in Somalia.

In Beledweyne, the Shabelle River is experiencing higher water levels, raising concerns about potential floods. The latest report from the Somali Ministry of Environment and Climate Change advises residents living near the river and other water bodies to stay away to reduce the risk of flooding. According to the most recent update from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the ongoing Gu rains have affected more than 163,400 people and displaced a minimum of 37,120 individuals in Hirshabelle,…

The increasing water levels of the Shabelle River are causing concern among the residents of Beledweyne.

Mogadishu, Somalia - The river in Beledweyne, the capital of Hiiraan, swelled from heavy rain, alarming locals. Heavy rainfall in Hiiraan and Ethiopian Somali overflowed the Shabelle River, nearing peak levels. Reports show the river flooded areas near Jowhar, affecting regions like Baarey and Kukaay. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Hirshabelle, Mohamed Bashir Qasim Daqare, stated that floods have hit areas including Mandere and Bayahaw. SoDMA warned of flooding in districts like Jowhar, Buulaburde, and Dolow. East…

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