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In focus: still no lifting of sanctions in Mali

"Mali is far from restoring trade and diplomatic exchanges with its neighbors, ECOWAS member states, notes the Maliweb information pagedespite the appointment of a retired soldier as president and a civilian at the head of the transitional government. "What is stuck for the subregional organization are the powers given to the transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, leader of the coup leaders on 18 August. In fact, he…

until the ECOWAS sanctions are lifted

After several days of negotiations, the new prime minister of the transition was appointed this Sunday. The choice fell on a civilian, the diplomat and the former foreign minister, Moctar Ouane. Following the inauguration of the President and Vice-President, the interim executive is therefore closed, but the economic community of the West African states has still not lifted its sanctions. as reported from Bamako, Serge Daniel Theoretically, the sanctions should already be lifted. But soon 24 hours following the…

The United States sanctions two companies of Russian Evgueni Prigozhin in CAR

The US Treasury Department last week announced new measures against Evgueni Prigozhin and his network in the Central African Republic. The Russian businessman, close to Vladimir Putin, is accused of interfering in the 2016 US election. He has since been on the US sanctions list. He is also accused of being the Kremlin's supervisor in Africa through his connections to the Wagner group of mercenaries. This time, the sanctions are aimed at three Russians and two companies involved in Prigozhin's operations in CAR. In a press…

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