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Resumption of cooperation between armies

To protest Colonel Assimi Goita's second coup in late May, France suspended its operations with the Malian army. Friday night, she decided to repeal the measure. Cooperation between the two armies is restarting. Bamako has been informed of this. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielThe Malian authorities say they were…

resumption of labor on the French gasoline web site

Uncertainty remains in northeastern Mozambique, where the French hydrocarbon group Total announced on Wednesday the resumption of construction work on the gas site, which would be operational in 2024. On the same day, suspected jihadists attacked the city of Palma. After withdrawing its staff from the Afungi plant in early…

resumption of negotiations between the government and UNTM

The strike launched by UNTM ended on Friday 18 December. Five days during which malians were called to stop working. A movement followed well, according to the country's first union organization. There was no communication from the authorities on the subject. UNTM withdrew on Tuesday night from the talks that began with the government, following statements by President Bah N'Daw, which were considered…

resumption of the Mauritanian border after three weeks of blockade

Road traffic resumed on 14 November at the Guerguerat border post, marking the border between Western Sahara and Mauritania. The blockade of activity for several weeks served as a justification for launching a Moroccan military operation, leading to the end of a nearly thirty-year ceasefire between Rabat and the Polisario Front and the concerns of the international community.…

DRC: resumption of cultural activities in Lubumbashi after six months of closure

In Lubumbashi, cultural activities resumed for the public in early October following a six-month suspension due to the coronavirus pandemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo. For some cultural centers, the period of health emergency was an opportunity to reconsider the organization of activities. The artists themselves waited impatiently to return to more or less normal, although respect for barrier movements remains mandatory during the performances. .

Does Covid-19 threaten the resumption of qualifications?

Six qualifying matches for the Africa Cup of Nations 2021 were canceled due to Covid-19 between 7 and 13 October 2020. One month before the qualifying match for CAN 2021, is it necessary to worry about that? After Libya-Togo, Tunisia U20-Comoros, Guinea-Bissau-Angola, Guinea-Gambia, Mali-Iran, it is Senegal-Mauretania's turn to be canceled. All these encounters suffered the same fate, but for different reasons related to the new coronavirus. The first two matches mentioned were planned in Tunisia and were victims of local…

Covid-19 in South Africa: resumption of international flights

After six months of closure to limit the spread of coronavirus, South Africa is beginning to reopen its borders. A decision that only concerns international flights in relation to countries considered to be low risk. This is the first international flight to land at Johannesburg Airport in six months. This Thursday, October 1,…

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