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the authorities want to be reassuring about the behavior

The Congolese authorities confirm that the ninth edition of the Games at La Francophonie in Kinshasa will be held from 19 to 28 August 2022, despite the concerns expressed by experts from the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF). One year after their completion, the infrastructure is not yet complete. The government has tried to revive the machine for a week through meetings with various stakeholders. One of the areas of concern is financing. At this time, even the final game budget is not yet defined.…

FPI is reassuring about the “visible” return

"We are not in opposition to the government when Laurent Gbagbo returns," Koné Katinan, a spokeswoman for the ex-president, told the press on Wednesday in Abidjan. With new language elements, the person in charge of communication within the Welcome Committee gave some details about the preparations. He still does not want a discreet return, but a "visible return".…

Bamako wants to be reassuring towards France

France temporarily suspended joint military operations with Malian forces on Thursday, June 3. The least we can say is that this announcement does not leave indifferent, especially not the junta in power. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielAccording to RFI information, official and / or private initiatives are already…

the government and ANE want to be reassuring

118 constituencies are called to vote in the by-elections on Sunday, March 14th. Second round for 49 constituencies, while 69 will vote again because they were prevented or the vote canceled during the 1st round on 27 December. In fact, the armed groups that controlled the two-thirds of the country had severely disrupted the vote by intimidation, ransacked polling stations, burned polls. This time,…

the presence of peacekeeping forces is reassuring

In northern Mali, among the Minusma contingents most exposed to terrorist acts, there is Chad, based in Aguelhoc, in the Kidal region. A dangerous area that the UN peacekeeping forces are determined to secure. With our special correspondent in Aguelhoc, Serge DanielA convoy of armored vehicles, driven and secured by Chadian…

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