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Somalia’s Dilemma: Back Ethiopia’s Rebels or Pursue Diplomatic Solutions?

Somalia's Tough Choices: Rebel Support or Diplomatic Embrace? NAIROBI, Kenya - Somalia and Ethiopia have been navigating a venomous spat that, if left unchecked, could unleash chaos in the Horn of Africa, potentially allowing terrorist factions to slip through the cracks. Somalia claims Ethiopia has overstepped its territorial bounds by striking a deal with Somaliland, a self-proclaimed autonomous region of Somalia. According to the agreement, Ethiopia secures 20 kilometers of Red Sea access to erect a military base and…

chain of solidarity to pursue an attacked boy

This weekend, several surgeons and health specialists welcomed a 9-year-old child from Zimbabwe to a private clinic in Johannesburg. In early May, the boy was attacked by a hyena during a nightly religious ceremony outside. as reported from Johannesburg, Romain SongThe child lost an eye, a nose and part of the mouth and…

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