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Northeastern State Military Court Sets Free Six ISIS Foreign Fighters

In Garowe, six foreign men labeled as ISIS militants in Northeastern State were set free by the military court. General Abdifatah Haji Adan, the court's chairman, revealed that Ethiopian and Moroccan citizens turned themselves in after fleeing from Daesh. The individuals were transferred to the Northeastern State Ministry of Justice for repatriation to their respective countries. Furthermore, the court granted freedom to six children associated with the Islamic State. Back in March, the military court in Northeastern State…

Waqooyi Bari oo xorriyadoodii usoo celisay ajaanib horey uga tirsanaa kooxda Daacish

 Talaado, May, 14, 2024 (AX) - Maxkamadda ciidamada qalabka sida iyo dambiyada culus ee Waqooyi Bari ayaa xorriyadoodii usoo celisey 6 eedaysane oo ajaanib ah oo horey uga tirsanaa kooxda Daacish.Ajaanibtan ayaa u kala dhashay dalalka Itoobiya iyo Marooko, waxaana lagu wareejiyey wasaaradda caddaaladda Waqooyi Bari si loogu diro dalalkoodii.Sidoo kale maxkamaddu waxay xorriyadoodii siisay 6 dhallinyaro ah oo aan gaarin da’da qaan-gaarka ah, kuwaas oo iyagana katirsanaa kooxda Daacish.Dhallinyaradaan ayaa lagu wareejiyey…

Northeastern State Security Forces Intercept Explosives and Capture Suspect in Bold Anti-Terror Operation in Bosaso

In Bosaso, Northeastern State's maritime forces nabbed a suspect and seized dangerous materials after operations in the area. Among the confiscated items were hand grenades linked to recent explosions in the city. The missions focused on individuals believed to have ties to terrorist organizations like Al-Shabaab and ISIS-Somalia, rumored to have secret bases in the mountains of Bari region. However, the official statement did not specify the suspect's particular group affiliation. The naval command's statement indicated…

Bosaso: Ciidanka amniga Puntland oo gacanta ku dhigay qaraxyo iyo qofkii watay

Isniin, May, 13, 2024 (AX) - Ciidamada badda ee dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa sheegay inay gacanta ku dhigeen qaraxyo iyo qofkii watay, ka dib howlgallo ay ka sameeyeen gudaha magaalada Boosaaso.Qoraal rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay taliska ciidanka badda ee Puntland, ayaa lagu sheegay, in ay ciidanku xalay qabteen bambooyinka gacanta ee sababa Qaraxyada xooggan, gaadiidkii lagu wadey iyo eedaysanihii watay qaraxyadaas.Ciidanku waxay sheegeen in qaraxyadan la doonayay in lagu waxyeeleeyo shacabka magaalada Boosaaso.Lama sheegin…

Puntland oo ka hortimid go’aanka DFS ay ku doonayso in la joojiyo shaqada xafiiska UNSOM

 Jimco, May, 10, 2024 (AX) - Dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa go’aanka dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay ku doonayso in la baabi’iyo xafiiska UNSOM ku tilmaamtay, go’aan aan laga fiirsan oo Qar iska xoornimo ah.Wasiirka warfaafinta Puntland, Maxamuud Caydiid Dirir oo la hadlayay BBC Soomaali, ayaa u sheegay, xafiiska xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee kaalmaynta Soomaaliya ee UNSOM, in uu kaalin muuqata ku leeyahay amniga iyo siyaasadda Soomaaliya.Wasiirka warfaafinta wuxuu sheegay, xilligan, in aanay jirin dowlad Soomaaliyeed…

UK Envoy Convenes with Puntland Chief in Local Territory

In Garowe (AX), the British Envoy to Somalia, Mike Nithavrianakis, engaged with the chief of Puntland, Said Abdullahi Deni, delving into key matters like the overhaul of the nation's constitution. In their discussion, the Envoy and local authorities deliberated on the UK's collaboration with Puntland, stressing the significance of open dialogue on crucial topics such as constitutional restructuring and ways to bolster economic development in the area. As a partner of Somalia on the global stage, the UK administration aims…

Puntland Navy Seizes Arms and Disrupts Pirate Operations in Somalia

In a recent development, the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) revealed the capture of illegal weapons and the dismantling of a suspected pirates' network in the coastal area of Eyl. This region is notorious for launching assaults on ships. Details about the number of confiscated weapons and their intended use were not disclosed by the Puntland naval forces. The incident took place in northeast Somalia, which is a known stronghold for ISIS and al-Shabab extremist groups. The PMPF confirmed that regional authorities are…

Puntland Forces Intercept Contraband and Capture Alleged Pirates in Bold Naval Operation

In Bosaso, Somali naval forces in Puntland intercepted illicit arms and detained a group of suspected Somali pirates in a security operation along the coast. The action took place in Eyl, a coastal town believed to be a hub for attacks on ships. Authorities are hunting down the pirates responsible for a $5 million ransom from the MV Abdullah, a Bangladeshi vessel seized in March. The Puntland navy did not disclose the number of weapons seized or their intended use due to the region's presence of ISIS and al-Shabab. They also…

Puntland oo qabatay hub sharci darro ah iyo shabakad looga shakisan yahay burcad badeed

 Sabti, April, 4, 2024 (AX) - Ciidamada badda Puntland ayaa sheegay inay gacanta ku dhigeen hub sharci darro ah iyo shabakad looga shakisan yahay inay yihiin burcad badeed.Howlgalkan ayaa ka dhacay degmo xeebeedka Eyl, halkaas oo ay ciidamadu sheegeen in ay ka mid tahay meelaha laga abaabulo weerarrada  qafaalashada maraakiibta caalamiga ah.War saxaafadeed kasoo baxay ciidanka badda Puntland ayaa sheegay, in ciidamadu ay ku raad joogaan burcad badeeddii madaxa furashada ka qaatay Markab laga leeyahay dalka Bangladesh oo…

Puntland oo raadinaysa nabadoono iy cuqaal ka horyimid go’aanka madaxweyne Deni uu xiriirka ugu jaray DFS

 Khamiis, April, 25, 2024 (AX) - Hay'adaha amniga ee maamulka Puntland ayaa raadinaya nabadoono iyo cuqaal ku sugan magalada Boosaaso, kuwaas oo maalmo ka hor saxaafadda ka sheegay in ay kasoo horjeedaan go’aanka ay Puntland ku sheegtay in u dhaqmayso sida dowlad madax bannaan. Dadka la raadinayo  waxaa kamid ah, afhayeenka nabadoonada gobolka Bari, Nabadoon Cabdiqaadir Yuusuf Xarago oo kamid ah dadka kasoo horjeeda siyaasadda madaxweyne Deni ee dowladda federaalka.Nabadoon Xarago ayaa dhawaan sheegay in aysan aqbalayn, in…

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